"I'm Calling the Cops" — Woman Crawls Under UPS Truck to Protest How Package Is Delivered
"'I won’t leave just get outta there'bro just caring about her well belong"

Published March 27 2024, 12:46 p.m. ET

A viral TikTok that was initially uploaded by user @Choriz93 is making the round of several other popular pages and it's not difficult to see why: it features a woman crawling underneath a UPS truck as a means of protesting the way her packages were being delivered.
The @public.freakout page attributed the video to the aforementioned TikTok user while commenting on the unbelievable interaction that occurred.
At the start of the video, a woman wearing a purple coat can be seen lying down on the pavement and moving herself down under the UPS truck.
"I'm under his truck, yes her, and I will not let him leave" the woman states while on the phone.
The UPS driver calls out while inside of his vehicle, "I'm trying to leave and she's under my truck." At this point in the clip, the woman in the purple jacket inches herself further and further underneath the vehicle.
"I will not let him leave," she repeats again.
"Ma'am that's not safe, somebody can hit you," he tells the woman who turns her attention away from her phone and back up to face the driver in the vehicle.
"You need to get out under there," he tells her and she continues to speak into the cell phone. "Well I'm in front of the gate," she says on speakerphone.
"You're gonna get hurt," the man tells her as the voice of someone on the other line can be heard asking her to clarify if she is indeed "laying on the pavement."
It's at this point in the video that the finer details of her gripe with the delivery driver become apparent. As it turns out, the woman isn't exactly thrilled the man wants to leave her package on the street in front of her house. It was her understanding that Amazon told her that her belongings would be delivered "to her door."

"He will not put it on a cart or even let me help him put it on a cart. He wants to leave it on the street in front of my gate when that is, I said give me my stuff and he's not. He says I have to arrange a different way to have it delivered and Amazon said it would be delivered to my door," the woman says into the phone.
"So I'm not going to let him leave until he gets my stuff so I'm laying under his truck," she tells the person on the other line, but the driver cuts back into the conversation.
"Ma'am get out of there I'm not gonna leave. That's for your own safety. You're gonna get hurt," he tells her in what seems like an attempt to reason with the woman.

"I'm not gonna get hurt laying here honey I'm 70 years old."
"A car can pass by and hit you," he tells her.
"Oh well!" she retorts before replying to the person on the other line that she doesn't have any "weapons" on her, "just a 70-year-old body honey."
"She's climbing on the truck," the delivery driver shouts out so the person on her other line can hear.
"I am not I'm laying on the street underneath it," she delineates, making that distinction known.
"Weren't you on the truck?"
"I put my foot on it so I could talk to you —"
"No you were climbing on it," the driver responds to her.
Her attention is then brought to the person she's on the phone with who asks for a description of the vehicle: "It's brown it's a UPS truck," she tells them.
"Just climb out ma'am, I'm not gonna leave," the driver tells the woman who begins shimmying herself out of the vehicle.

"Well you better not 'cause the cops are on their way," she says, getting up and walking to the front of his truck.
The man laughs and informs her that the police aren't going to say anything about the matter at hand.
At the end of the clip she slowly walks to his side of the car, her black hair draped on the side of her head.
"All you had to do was do the right thing, sir," she tells the driver at the end of the clip before it ultimately closes out.
Numerous other folks who saw the video shared their own incredulous thoughts at the interaction: "I can hear the eye roll from dispatch over the phone," one person said.
"The fact that this is real is crazy," another said.
"That little scooch she did killed me," someone else said.
While another was just impressed with the athletic prowess of the 70-year-old woman: "Have to say, she’s pretty agile for 70"