Woman Quits After Boss Asks Her to Train Her Own Less Experienced and Better Paid Replacement

Published May 18 2023, 12:35 p.m. ET

Being asked to train your replacement after you left a job of your own volition is one thing. You're moving on to other career opportunities and you don't necessarily have any ill will towards the company that employed you, so if they ask you to put in some time to show the ropes to person taking over your role, that's understandable.
However, if you're being let go or forced into another position and management asks you to help train the person that's coming in, that's a bit messed up. If you feel like you did a good enough job and you didn't deserve being canned, then it's easy to have some resentment towards your former employer and your gut instinct may inspire you to tell them to kick rocks.
Or maybe you feel like they're going to can you prematurely and you want to collect the full pay for those days that they're asking you to come to work because you really need the dough, so you swallow your pride and come in.
But TikToker Veronique, who posts under the handle @queen_of_chaosapparently, experienced a slightly different scenario.
Her boss interviewed someone else for her position, hired them at four dollars more an hour, and then asked the TikToker to train them for their new job. Veronique wasn't fired from the company, but had to give up their desk for the new worker and was given another role in the business.

It didn't sit right with her, so she immediately started looking for new positions. In a series of TikToks, she explains her experience with her replacement and her decision to quit.

She writes in a text overlay for the first video, "when your boss interviews someone to replace you and offers to pay them FOUR DOLLARS more an hour and they have no experience.. and he expects you to train them, nah imma head out"

Veronique says she gave her boss a month notice, but he told her that it wasn't enough time to find a "suitable replacement" for her. The TikToker felt she should've just walked out on the job right then and there, which, depending on the nature of her contract, could've been entirely possible if she chose to do so; two-week notice periods are a courtesy and not mandatory by any means.

Veronique then posted how things got even saucier at work. Upon discovering that she was going to leave, her boss offered to pay her five bucks more per hour, but Veronique doubled down on her decision to leave, stating she couldn't be paid enough to "tolerate the disrespect" upper management showed her.
It did seem like Veronique agreed to show her replacement what to do in their new role, but judging from the new employee's performance, her boss didn't pick well, as they arrived 40 minutes late to work. To make matters even worse, Veronique was forced to work in her supervisor's "disgusting office" since she'd given up her desk to the new hire.
While the deluge of Veronique's posts made it seem like she was staying at the job longer than she intended, she ultimately stuck to her guns and opted to leave. But even after moving on, she was receiving calls and text from her "toxic" ex-job with folks asking her how to perform basic tasks, like checking the voicemail system.
Have you been in a situation like this before? Do you think Veronique should've helped her replacement out a bit more? Or do you think she should've quit on the spot? Or should she have caused more a stink with human resources after discovering she was being replaced?
In any event, it sounds like she's at a better job now following the whole ordeal.