Woman Fails to Blend Face Contouring, Discovers Her Mistake While Recording a TikTok

Published Nov. 24 2022, 1:38 p.m. ET

For a lot of folks, there's always a good reason to gussy themselves up when they go outside. Whether it's for a lunch outing, a day picking apples at the farms, or taking pride in the way that you look when you head on over to a concert, there are people who derive joy from figuring out their fits and making sure their makeup is on point.
It does take a little extra care on behalf of the individual to present a specific look that they're going for, which means that more often than not, they'll need some more time to get ready. The time that's occupied by several steps for someone to craft an individual style and if you miss a step, it could throw a significant wrench in the image you're attempting to curate.
Take utilizing contouring in makeup: when done effectively, folks can produce amazing results which can culminate in some pretty drastic facial transformations. However, if you forget to blend certain components of the contouring job, well, it's going to look like you've got just a bunch of messy splotches on your face.
This is exactly what happened to TikToker Jasmine Kimberly (@jasminekimberlyy)
In the clip, Jasmine appears to be out to dinner with her significant other. The video begins with a piece of food in here mouth, she turns the camera to get her partner in the frame, but the entire time, there are two distinct dark lines of makeup on her nose. Makeup that had yet to be blended.

It isn't until later in the video that Jasmine realizes she's failed to smudge in her contouring job, and you can see the horror form in her eyes as it spreads to the rest of her expression.

She wrote in a text overlay for the TikTok: "when you go out all night without blending your nose contour & don't realize until this video" Jasmine then chastises her partner for not telling her she was walking around looking like she just sharped a pencil and then rubbed the bridges of her nose.

"I didn't blend my contour! You didn't tell me!" she says in the video as she rubs the makeup into her face.

Jasmine added in the comments section that she doesn't "normally use this kind of makeup" and only had "like 10 minutes to get ready" and said that both her and her partner weren't angry at one another at all and they laughed about the situation.

Other users on the platform found the video hilarious and quipped that if their own S.O. failed to point out such a glaring cosmetic mistake, then it would be grounds for divorce.

Then there were some who wanted to know if Matthew thought her makeup was supposed to look like that, or if he just didn't notice, or didn't want to say anything about the look, thinking he might upset her if he pointed out the issue, in case the dark lines were intentional.

"did he not notice at all or thought it was on purpose... I gotta know lol"
"This is grounds for DIVORCE LMAOOOOOO NOOOOO"
"I had rubbed my eyes while I was out and had full raccoon eyes and my bf said 1I didn’t know if maybe you were just going for that"

Jasmine uploaded other TikToks, featuring Matthew and his response to other comments. He clarified that he didn't notice the lines at all, and had a pretty funny response to someone's remark that his failure to tell her about the makeup fail is "grounds for divorce."
What do you think of the contour blending snafu? Was it an epic dinner disaster? Or is it not that big of a deal. But most importantly, is it Matthew's fault? Should he have said something? Or should Jasmine just learn how to check a mirror more closely before she leaves the house?