TikTok Loves This Woman's “Hack” to Avoid Washing Dishes

Published Jan. 6 2023, 5:22 p.m. ET

There are some household chores that people can't stand doing. Some folks hate vacuuming, maybe not as much as the family dog who believe the machine is their mortal enemy, but they loathe doing it anyway. For others, having to clean bathrooms/tubs/toilets is the bane of their existence.
And then there are people who just hate washing dishes. They don't like the feeling of wet leftover food getting on their hands. They don't like having to dry the dishes when they're done, and they probably don't like catching a whiff of an abused sponge retaining the odors of stank water from tons of other washes.
Sure, you could always just toss these plates in a dishwasher, but in many cases, you still need to go over the dishes by hand to ensure that everything is taken care of.
And if you hate doing dishes that much, you could always invest in Costco trips and purchasing disposable plates in bulk. Or, you could do what this intrepid young woman did.
A TikToker by the name of Stephanie (@mrsharris2you) appears to have captured a recording of family dinner night, which includes what is presumably her daughter's prep before the meal was served.

In the clip, the young woman can be seen individually covering plates with saran wrap. A text overlay in the video reads: "Her day to do the dishes" following by three laughing emojis.

As it turns out, the girl in Stephanie's video isn't the first on TikTok to exhibit such time-saving industriousness when it comes to washing dishes, well, not washing them, technically.

In June of 2021, TikTok user @dam.i.on posted a short clip of him covering a plate in plastic cling wrap and demonstrating the efficacy behind the technique and how it keeps plates clean.
While the cost of sturdy disposable plates can easily rack up depending on how many you're using per day, cling wrap is relatively cheap. Plus, you get all of the heft of a real plate without having to worry about putting them in the sink and washing them later.

In the clip, @dam.i.on sauces up the plate with a hunk of meatloaf and a big gob of mashed potatoes, showing off just how well the cling wrap trick works.

@dam.i.on admitted that the effort ultimately takes more time and effort to do than to simply eat the food and wash and dry it (in response to a TikToker who called it "lazy") but for someone who truly hates washing dishes the extra investment could ultimately be worth it.

As for Stephanie's video, while there were some TikTokers who thought the saran wrap idea was a brilliant clean-plate-strategy, there were others who poked holes in the idea by proposing the idea of...poked holes. TikTok user Emma Lopez. said "one bad fork move and it's gone hahaha"

What do you think? Is this a good idea and would you want to try it out? Or do you think it's a fine example of someone doing a lot of work to be lazy?