Woman Tries to Eat a Live Octopus, So It Fights Back

Updated May 8 2019, 12:54 p.m. ET
A vlogger was caught by surprise on camera and left with a nasty cut after attempting to eat an octopus while it was still alive.
Delving into a discussion over the ethics of eating animals at all is a surefire way to rustle people's jimmies, but I'd argue that even those who aren't vegans or vegetarians would find something wrong with chowing down on a creature while it's still alive.
Like a good friend of mine would always say, "I believe that animals should have great lives and one really bad day." Sure, some may think this is an arrogantly "human" way of looking at things, but for the most part I agree with it. We're all doomed to die one day, but we deserve to have as much fun and happiness before we kick the bucket as possible. Why can't the same be said for the animals we eat?
And while many predators in nature don't have a problem with eating something while it's alive (usually they kill it first, because, you know, it's easier to chow down on something immobile) munching on a live and kickin' creature is considered a delicacy by some diners.
But as this Chinese vlogger learned the hard way, eating live octopus isn't as easy as you might think.
The young woman in this video is a live stream host who goes by the moniker "Seaside Girl Little Seven," and she posted the video to Kuaisho, a region-specific app similar to TikTok, that apparently features people doing the questionable or weird things people do on video-sharing social platforms. I guess one could see this video as proof that, no matter where you go in the world, people will make fools of themselves and record it.
The video starts with the octopus already stuck to SGLS' face and her cries change from "hehe, wow, it's really stuck on there" to "OH MY GOD GET IT OFF" in a matter of seconds. As she tugs and tugs to pull the octopus off her face, it becomes increasingly apparent this octopus has a clear message for this lady: BACK OFF.
As she continues to struggle with the octopus, it becomes clear the sea creature has no intention of letting. You can see her skin stretch as she cries in pain. Finally, she's able to pry it off, but one of the suction cups on the animal's tentacles must've had quite a hold on her, because it ended up leaving a scratch on her cheek.
She complained the octopus left her face "disfigured", but in reality, the wound appears to be superficial and should heal up in a few days.
The young woman's channel is dedicated to her love of seafood and she's uploaded videos of her chomping down on cooked lobster and crayfish in the past.
After peeling the octopus off of her face, she vowed to eat it in another video at a future time.
Reportedly, this Vlogger's got a bit of a bratty attitude as well, despite just uploading videos two weeks ago, she's already complaining that her work isn't "on the trending topics chart." I'm thinking that if she continues to get attacked by wildlife, however, her wish will soon come true.
Some people didn't like the fact that she was trying to eat the octopus while its alive, and others said that the vlogger got what was coming to her.
What do you think? Does it matter whether or not someone tries to eat a living creature while it's still conscious and going about its life? Or should she have just put the thing out of its misery first? Or are you just here for the face-stretching action below?