Woman Asks If She Should Ditch Friend Who Expected Her to Pay for Everything on Their Vacation

Published April 27 2022, 7:46 a.m. ET

Going on vacation can get really pricey, really fast. Now if you're someone with a salary that allows you to not only live and save comfortably and you don't have a side or weekend hustle to pull in some extra cash, then the idea of a vacation for a few days doesn't really hurt your wallet. You're getting paid what you get paid and you've got days off that you can use to have some time to yourself and your family/loved ones.
If you're someone who works one or multiple gigs to make ends meet and you've got a decent amount of opportunities to do so, then the idea of missing out on a day of work can be a bit painful, because you know that you're leaving money on the table by simply going on a vacation. Not only are you spending money in addition to whatever you're renting/financing back home, but you're spending more than you regularly would than let's say, you were going about your regular routine.
However, all of us need a break sometimes and a vacation could be a good way of letting off some steam especially if you've been hustling super hard.
Regardless of what your reactions to taking vacations are, we can all admit that spending money for yourself on one is taxing as it is, but what if you're expected to shell out for the finances of someone else while you're on your holiday and to make matters worse, you even weren't the one who suggested to go in the first place?

That's exactly what happened to this woman who posted on a Mumsnet forum, where they asked for help navigating a situation where they went on a weekend trip with a former work colleague of theirs. Over the past few months, she said that the two of them would often go out for drinks and spend time with one another.

The colleague then asked if her friend wanted to go on a fun trip to Berlin over the weekend, to which she responded that she would. Her excitement for the trip died down when she arrived at the airport and her friend said that her friend immediately informed her that she didn't bring any money for the trip and that she couldn't even afford a coffee at the airport.

She said her friend only brought along 60 euros ($63.85 USD) while OP said that she had planned to spend around $300 to cover her expenses as they traveled.
Knowing that she would have to basically pay for everything on the trip, OP admitted that she was miffed at the entire thing, specifically because she knows her friend had been eating out a few times before leaving for the vacation and was going to the movies. She wondered why the woman wouldn't properly budget for the vacation considering she was the one who came up with the plan to go in the first place.

The peeved poster also said that because he had only planned to spend so much money on the trip, things would be extremely tight. What was additionally aggravating was that her friend would get visibly angry and upset whenever they would go to a store because she was being reminded that she didn't have any money to pay for her share of the trip. She asked other users on the site on their advice on "how not to be bitter" during the weekend.

Because this is definitely not the vibe one wants on vacation, OP became exasperated and things only got worse whenever her friend would try and guilt her into buying gifts for friends and family members. "Oh mum would love that and I don't get paid till Monday."
Many commenters said she should just go and do her own thing and leave her pal up to her own devices.

They suggested she shouldn't "waste" her vacation by hanging around with a moping friend and that she should honestly tell her friend that her funds are draining quickly so they need either come up with a plan of action or take out more cash with the understanding that it would be immediately paid back or they just do their own separate things.

What do you think? Should she help out her friend? Was her pal running some type of con? Should she have budgeted better or told her she didn't have any cash and if she could borrow some money but that she'd pay her back straight away on Monday?