“Men Need Women” — TikToker Calls out Partner for Being Bad at Shopping, Despite Detailed List

Published Nov. 22 2024, 3:00 a.m. ET

Much has been written about the inherent ire many men have towards shopping. Ire that a TikToker named Lex (@www.youtube.com___) says manifests as straight-up incompetence with her significant other during shopping runs.
She put her partner on blast in a viral TikTok, showcasing how easy she made it for him to pick up groceries along with his hasty predisposition to throw in the towel when he couldn't find items as quickly as he'd like.
"If you ever wonder if men need women, they do," Lex says at the top of her video as she looks into the camera lens. Festive Christmas decor can be seen in the background of her video as she continues to speak.
"Because Anthony told me to send him a grocery list."
The TikToker went on, "Send me a grocery list. OK, he said I'll go get the groceries. Let me show you the grocery list I sent him," she tells her viewers as she touches the recording device. The video quickly cuts to a green screen of the grocery list in question. On the list, there are several items listed.
@www.youtube.com___ ily tony you can always call me but i really dont think i can make it an easier #greenscreen
♬ original sound - big lex
But the level of detail doesn't stop there — she also includes the aisle number and placement of the groceries inside of the store on the notes she took for said grocery list. "Do you notice anything? I'm a teacher. Bold, italicized, where it's located. Front wall and produce, aisle 6, aisle 6, back into the deli," she says while pointing to various parts of the notes list.
She went on to explain why she decided to get so granular with her grocery list notes. "These are the things I know he's not familiar with. I say you can get whatever flavor. You can get any flavor but watermelon. Do whatever. I even put what they're being used for," the TikToker says, smiling into the camera.
"Notice it says picture at the bottom, let me show you what else I did," she tells her viewers before her video cuts again. Lex even went so far as to include pictures of the items she wants her significant other to retrieve from the grocery store. "This is at the bottom for the crackers, these are the veggies that they don't sell."

She followed up with even more examples of her punctiliousness. "This is the cheese, this is the charcuterie meat. So I thought I was being thorough. I thought it would be simple," she says, speaking into the camera again and gesticulating with her arms into the camera.
Unfortunately for her, that didn't seem to be the case. "He called me six times to ask me where things were. He called me six times. Five times he called me to ask where things were. Honestly, I gotta be honest."
Lex went on to clarify: "The sixth time he called me to tell me he's never doing this again. Today, that was two weeks ago. Today he didn't call me. He's out there, he just said I'm on the porch he's passing off groceries. Long story short he said they don't sell vegetables here actually."

The TikToker found that hard to believe. "Well they're on the website I know they have them. And let's see where he is, here he is. He said they don't have the vegetables so I said I'm on my way. I'm coming."
Lex's significant other appeared to change his tune. "He said why you coming? I said I'm going to show you where the vegetables are. And then guess what — he found them. Here he is, hold on."
Next, she opens the door to her house and records her partner walking into the house with bags of groceries in hand. He holds them over the railing of their front porch. "How was it?" she asks after he sighs loudly.

"It was fine," he says. The video then cuts to him inside of the house. "You got a sneak peak of our wonderful grocery system. He brings them over the porch and I bring them in and put them in the fridge."
At the end of her video, she repeats the same thesis she began the clip with. "But if you ever wonder if men need women, they absolutely do. Cause we go above and beyond and they still wonder what the c--p they're supposed to do."
Several people who responded to Lex's video agreed with her stance, like this one user who said they hoped her significant other was reading the comments section of her video so he could realize how much better he can be at shopping and doing things for himself.

"I hope he is reading these comments. I hope he recognizes that he has a lot of work to put in if he wants to keep his relationship with you. Why do men think we want to be with partners that need to be babysat to accomplish such simple tasks?" one wrote.
Another quipped that the man was intentionally doing a bad job so he'd never have to go to the grocery store ever again. "This is weaponized incompetence."
While someone else said that having this type of partner in no way, shape, or form is better than not having one. "There is absolutely no way anyone could convince me that this is better than the peaceful solitude of being single."