Woman Gets Locked on Roof, Decides It's Faster to Order Uber Eats Than Call for Help
"I put in the instructions that you have to just buzz every apartment until someone lets you in and then come up to the roof and let me out."

Updated April 17 2024, 9:32 a.m. ET

If you've ever watched the first Hangover film, then you know all of the drama in the flick could've been avoided if the groom-to-be, Dough (played by Justin Baritha) just had a cell phone on him with enough battery to place a single phone call.
There's a bit of foreshadowing in the beginning of the flick, after the pals go on the rooftop of their hotel to kick their night off with some drinks and other extracurriculars slipped into the drinks by Alan (Zach Galifianakis). There's a short moment where one of the characters puts a cinderblock by the door to prevent it from locking them out.
This is what a TikToker by the name of Maggie (@voss_maggie) should've probably done while going up on the roof of her building, as she ended up getting locked up there. Unlike Doug, however, she thankfully had her phone on her.
It's a pretty embarrassing situation to be in, and Maggie must've thought that she didn't want to waste the cops' time by coming to the building to walk up the stairs and open the door for her.
So the next best idea, maybe, would've been to call her landlord, however, who knows what the building's policy is on tenants going up on the roof to hang out; no one wants to be known as a "problem" tenant.

Maggie decided that the best way to get down from there was a let's-kill-two-birds with one-stone solution: get rescued from the rooftop and have a meal delivered in the process.
She placed an Uber Eats delivery order with a specific set of instructions instead.

"I got locked in my roof and nobody's available to come to help me out, so, I ordered Uber Eats," she says, speaking into the camera from the rooftop as police sirens can be heard in the background of Manhattan.

"Um, I put in the instructions that you have to just buzz every apartment until someone lets you in and then come up to the roof and let me out."

It seems like Maggie's instructions worked because the food delivery driver could be seen, in the next clip, hitting open the door, knocking down a bottle of water in the process.
Maggie can then be seen in the comfort of her apartment, laying down, munching on some food while looking into the camera: "Safe in my apartment plus I have a burrito now. I call that a win," she writes in a text overlay of the clip.

One commenter who saw her video wrote: "Hope you tipped that man well," but it seems that Maggie already answered that question in a caption for the video. where she said: "5 stars and a good tip for Jeffrey the best uber eats delivery driver in Manhattan"

Other viewers commended Maggie's quick thinking: "This is just NEXT LEVEL thinking. Brilliant!"
"Improvise adapt overcome. Modern problems modern solutions," another wrote.
"One of the top minds of our generation"
"wait that’s like too smart"