Woman Gets "Revenge" on Guy Who "Ghosted" Her by Going to His Job and Leaving Him $0 Tip

Updated May 4 2023, 9:10 a.m. ET

Being ghosted by a potential romantic love interest is a pretty horrible feeling. There's something really scary and vulnerable about going after the chance at finding love, and when you and another person conduct yourselves accordingly to do just that, it's a pretty beautiful thing, even if you find out you're not right for one another.
And while that's heartbreaking, there's a certain personal standard you can hold yourself to even when you break things off with that person. So even if the two of you weren't meant to be, at least you can both hold your heads high as you carry on and try to find your soulmate elsewhere.
But it's kind of hard to feel good when someone just, out of the blue, stops responding to your messages and "ghosts" you for seemingly no reason.
Then, feelings of resentment can build up over time, and depending on how you handle those emotions, it can be easy to vilify that individual and dream up of all the ways to "get back" at them for not even having the courtesy to reply to your messages.
And it seems like this TikToker had her chance to do just that.
Sydney (TikTok handle @princessneeyyneeyy) was having a meal at Texas Roadhouse when she saw that her server was a guy who had previously ghosted her.

In text overlays in the video, she writes, "When the guy who ghosted you is your waiter at lunch." Followed by, "Don't come for me I usually tip but I'm petty."

That list bit refers to the receipt revealed in her video that shows she left the ghoster in question a $0 tip for a $33.53 bill. She added a note to the ticket that reads: "P.S. Thanks for blocking me on Snapchat."

Sydney's actions divided people in the comments section of her now viral TikTok. Some agreed saying that they wouldn't have tipped either if the same thing happened to them.

Others said that they would've asked for another waiter and then tipped their new server way more so "show them what they missed out on."
Another user stated that their version of pettiness would be to "over tip just to show him what's up and then leave the message at the bottom."

And then there were TikTokers who thought that Sydney's behavior was petty, but not in a hilarious "omg you're so petty!" kind of way, but more of a confirmation as to why he ghosted her in the first place.

That's what @jasmin96011 wrote, "Honestly this probably just reassured him that he made the right decision in ghosting you."
Others weren't as kind, commenting on Sydney's appearance as being an indicator of her personality, "That hand told me all I need to know," @vince_thatguy wrote.

What do you think? Were Sydney's actions warranted? Or does it show that she's salty and it's kind of messed up considering that servers pretty much rely on gratuities to earn a living?