Woman Documented Her Plans to Break Up With Her Cheating Boyfriend After a Trip to Europe

Published Aug. 15 2023, 3:48 p.m. ET
Women are really looking out for each other when it comes to being cheated on. Thanks to the internet, it's getting a lot easier to catch someone or if you're lucky, avoid them altogether. For example, there's a city-specific private Facebook group called "Are We Dating The Same Guy" where ladies can check to see if their prince is actually a lying frog.
But what happens if you actually catch your partner cheating on you? Why not also use social media to end the relationship and if possible, go out with a bang. That's what a woman who goes by @iknow_girl on TikTok did. When she discovered her partner was stepping out right before they left on a nine week trip through Europe, she documented the breakup. From Europe to You're nope, let's get into it.

The greatest breakup of all time
She knows you're cheating on her and you'll hear about it soon.
The Post-it note doesn't get nearly enough respect but @iknow_girl, who I'm calling Bridget, gave it one heck of a rebrand when she used it to document her breakup. In a series of photos featuring her blurred cheating ex-boyfriend, Bridget held hand-written notes explaining what was going on. This is a Master Class in dumping a jerk.
They were together for a year-a-half when the trip occurred. Six months into their relationship, he told Bridget he loved her which resulted in the couple moving in together. Things were going great as he "did all the little things to make me feel loved and appreciated." Sadly what Bridget didn't know is he was cheating her during trips he took with pals. "He acted like he cared for me and loved me, when he was really playing me," she wrote as he stood in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
"He doesn't know that I know he's cheating on me," Bridget shared. "So after this trip, I'm breaking up with him." Each note uses the hashtag "I know" and has become a sort of rallying cry for Bridget and anyone else who also knows their partner is a world class piece of s---.
Here's how this woman found out her boyfriend was cheating on her.
In several follow-up TikToks, Bridget went into detail about how she figured out her boyfriend was a big lying liar. The two met on Bumble, the dating app designed to make women feel safer by giving them the option to make the first move. Sadly, Bumble has neglected to remember that a dude can be a jerk in the second move. Anyway, Bridget's first date with her now ex lasted a whopping eight hours which is too long. Get in and get out is what I always say. Eight hours can come later.
Evidently, Bridget's ex didn't even live in the same state as her but he wanted to move there because that's where his family lived. That's why during the first six months of their relationship, Bridget and her ex would fly back-and-forth to see each other. After "really getting to know each other" through screens between airports, she went on a huge trip with her ex's family. "I felt super integrated into his family," she shared. He met her family and felt the similarly, and then told Bridget he loved her.
Talk about your red flags, before moving in together Bridget's ex said he needed to take a six week trip to Colombia with a friend. What does this guy do, besides relentlessly cheat, that allows him to take trips that last for weeks? This is giving me secret second family energy. Secure in the idea that upon is return they would begin their life together, Bridget was OK with it. However, that was the "beginning of the end."
The Colombia travel buddy is apparently the only person who has seen Bridget's ex's darkest side. When they would text each other, planning trips, they were really going into detail about how they were each going to cheat on their partner. When Bridget would ask if she could see their messages, her ex told her no in order to "respect his friend's privacy."
"For months my intuition was screaming that something was off," said Bridget in a TikTok with Big Ben in the background. "It wasn't until the day before we had to leave for this nine week trip through Europe that I finally found out my suspicions were correct." She couldn't back out because she reimbursed him for her part of the trip. Everything was in his name and she likely wouldn't have gotten her money back.
Unfortunately, Bridget doesn't reveal exactly how she found out her ex was cheating on her. And all of social media is waiting to hear what happened after she sent her ex the TikTok with the Post-it notes. Until then let's all do what I'm doing, which is trying to stave off paranoia about my own lovely relationship.