Woman Goes Viral for Rant About Families Bringing Kids to "Nice" Restaurants

Published Jan. 10 2024, 9:52 p.m. ET
My person and I do not want children but that doesn't mean we don't like them. So many people don't understand the difference, and frankly it's not my job to explain it. I really like my friend's children, but when I encounter strange children in the wild I generally make a wide berth. For example, my person and I were at breakfast a few months ago when I noticed we were going to be sat next to table with very loud children. I quietly asked if we could move. No one's feelings were hurt.
Sadly one woman, who was attempting to enjoy a date night with her husband, didn't appear to have the luxury of switching tables. The couple was next to a table of screaming kids, at a pretty nice restaurant. She took to TikTok to share her experience and beg parents to not bring kids to a nice restaurant. Honestly, I agree!

Everyone deserves a nice evening out. Yes, we also mean parents!
She goes by Mrs. KD (@kd81322) on TikTok but I'm going to call her Katherine, and she is furious about a dinner that was ruined by children. To be clear, these aren't her children. The kids in question were sitting at the table next to hers, at a nice restaurant in Tulsa, Okla.
Katherine and her husband hired a babysitter so they could spend an evening together, away from their offspring. This is a perfectly reasonable need and want which keeps the proverbial spark in one's marriage. Sadly the spark turned into a fire which was being fed by Katherine's anger.
"Do you hear that," she asks in a TikTok. I do hear that. In fact, I would venture to guess that everyone could hear that. The "that" in question was several screaming children. It's virtually impossible to ignore.
To make matters worse, the mother is heard saying, "I'm gonna beat your a--," which adds a layer of sadness to this situation. "One of them has their tablet on volume 97, and I literally can't hear the music in the restaurant because all I can hear is the tablet." Right about now, someone is incorrectly assuming that Katherine hates children. She does not.
Not only have the parents chosen to bring loud devices to a restaurant, but they are also threatening any child who steps out of line. It's no surprise that the end result is children who can't seem to regulate their voices, and possibly their emotions. This is chaos.
Later in the car Katherine really let's things rip. "Don't take your s--- a-- kids to a nice restaurant," she yells. I'm still of the mind that Katherine does not despise the youth. These particular children are simply being led by very poor examples. "I had to watch Toy Story on a tablet," she screams.
Katherine is not alone in her frustration. "This! This! This! I have 3 kids, I love them! But if I go on a date night and go somewhere fancy I don't want to be sat by kids," said one TikToker in the comments. Another parent chimed in and said her "youngest child is feral" and for that reason, they don't bring him to nice places.
Again, no one is suggesting parents should just stay home but there is a time and a place for everything and that includes children. If a person can afford a decent restaurant then it stands to reason they can probably afford a babysitter.
There has been a lot of discourse about child-free spaces and adults who want more places for kids to play. I agree with both sides. This is a systemic issue. If we lived in a society that provided affordable childcare, this wouldn't happen. Conversely, adults deserve their own spots too. You don't see me rolling up to the last Chuck E. Cheese in existence, demanding to be let into the ball bit. I think adults deserve the same respect.