"She Looks Nothing Like Me" — DMV Puts Wrong Picture on Woman's Driver's License

Updated Aug. 9 2023, 4:25 p.m. ET

You'd probably much rather nail your hand to a burning building than take a trip to the DMV. Long lines and arbitrary rules that require obscure pieces of documentation in order to receive necessary ID cards and official papers related to your vehicle are all hallmarks of this much-reviled institution.
But it's a necessary struggle one must endure in order to register their vehicle, perform a license plate change, get their driver's license, or
Gloria says in the video, which opens up with a green screen photo of a driver's license behind her. She cleverly superimposes live video of her face over the portion of the ID where the individual's mugshot is placed.
She says in the clip: "So I went to the DMV 2 weeks ago to get a new license and it just came in the mail yesterday, but, that's literally not me."
Gloria moves her face away from the driver's license photo to reveal another woman's face on the identification card. "We don't even look alike. Does anybody have my photo on their license? There's no way I woke up at 6.30 in the morning not to even know if it came out cute"
The TikToker also wrote in the caption for the video that she's invoking help from internet strangers to help locate who this woman is, and to see if they accidentally received her picture instead.
Ironically, a notice that came with Gloria's license urges folks to "HELP PREVENT FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT" while adding that folks should cut up their old ID cards if the new one they received was meant to replace a previous ID card.

Commenters who saw the post seemed to think that the mix-up was funny, with one person cracking jokes about the DMV's error: "Dmv said "tomato tomahto"
Someone else joked that they did see a similarity between Gloria and the other woman's photo she received on her license: "Naw y'all do look alike" which was a sentiment echoed by someone else who wrote: "She looks like you lol"

One commenter who replied to the post claimed that she knew the person in the photo that ended up on Gloria's license very well: "Omg that’s my best friend lmaoooo"
Sure enough, Gloria did actually end up meeting the woman from the other photo. She shared an update in a second TikTok where Gloria revealed that the other woman reached out to her on Instagram and subsequently met up. They already didn't look like each other from the jump, but when placed right next to each other, the fact that someone mistook these two completely different faces is just preposterous.
Furthermore, Gloria explained that she and the other woman were forced to return to the DMV and fill out all the paperwork again in order to get new licenses. Hopefully, the new ones will have the correct photos on this second attempt.
"Fingers crossed this time," Gloria joked.
Have you ever experienced a situation like Gloria's before with the DMV? How did this even happen? Perhaps the woman in the photo had the same name as her?