Woman Leaves No Tip to Get "Revenge" on Server Who Bullied Her In High School, Sparks Debate

Updated May 21 2023, 10:25 a.m. ET

There are bullies everywhere: in the schoolyard, in romantic relationships, at the workplace, and in politics. There are people who will demean others in order to make themselves seem better by comparison. Maybe a bully decides to target an individual's faults in order to draw attention from their own, or perhaps it's just because they were raised in an environment where that was considered OK, and it's the only way they know how to react in certain situations.
Whatever the deeply-rooted psychological/emotional reasons bullies decide to be awful to other people, it doesn't change the fact that victimized individuals now have a new set of emotional baggage to deal with as a result of the bully's actions. Oftentimes, people feel run-down and mitigated when they don't stand up for themselves when they're being bullied.
This could lead a lot of folks to wonder about how they could've handled the situation differently or wish they had the chance to run into them again to enact some kind of revenge, whether it be punching them in the face, proverbially or physically.
Well, one TikToker got the opportunity to enact some revenge on her own High School bully while she was dining at Red Robin.
Bell Marie, who posts on the popular social media platform under the handle @teeenymaria sat down at the burger chain and noticed that her server was a woman who used to tease her.

Bell writes in a text overlay for the TikTok: "my waitress at Red Robin was a girl who made fun of me in high school. i left her with no tip. hahaha"
The TikToker's post sparked a viral debate in the comments section that touched upon the "ethics" of vengeance in the first place.

"As a server who lives on tips, I support this"
"I carded a girl who tried to fight me in high school and I denied her cause it was expired. Loved every moment."
There were some people who fully supported Bell's action and others who thought she had every single right to do so, including people who rely on tips to make ends meet.

"Done this! She even tried to tell me she remembers me from HS and I acted like I didn’t remember her but I did and she made my life hell. Loved it!!
But then there were some folks who appeared to move on from their high school drama, and folks shared some heartwarming stories of individuals acknowledging that they hurt one another in the past and attempted to move past it.

"My waiter was someone that made me cry growing up. I reminded him about it and he paid for my meal lol"
"A girl who was mean to me in high school tipped me well when I delivered her pizza, so I tipped her well when she waited on me at a restaurant"

But it did seem like there were tons of people who were more than totally fine with the idea of getting revenge against someone who did you wrong.
"as a server who works with a few people who clearly peaked in high school, you were totally right for this"
"Karma I love it!!!"

There's an idea, however, that shows if you haven't moved on from someone's poor treatment of you, then they've "won" because you're still upset. Some TikTokers thought that the "real" revenge would've been to actually tip them heartily, to show that you're living large.

What do you think? Is vengeance a waste of time? Or do you think that in some situations, bullies need to be dealt with, otherwise their behavior goes unchecked and they will harm others down the line?