Woman Sues Parents After They Spent Her Personal College Fund on Brother's Wedding

Updated March 17 2023, 11:47 a.m. ET

The idea of a kid suing their parents might seem kind of crazy and depending on which culture you come from, pretty darn ungrateful. After all, they were the people who brought you into this world and presumably fed you, clothed you, housed you, and raised you.
Of course, it could also be argued that if your kid grows up to want to sue you, it's probably a result of one of three things: you either did a crumby job raising them, they got influenced by some type of external groups of people/ideologies that turned them into scumbags, or, you deserved it.
And there are a lot of Redditors who believe the latter is the case for this one woman, who said that she ended up suing her family for college money that was left to her by her great-aunt. According to @Accomplish_Bar5656, she comes from a cultural background that doesn't really put a lot of emphasis on female education.

OP's Great Aunt thought that was a bunch of malarkey so she made sure to leave behind a ton of money for various female relatives so they could use it to go to school. OP's mother and father had access to these funds and decided it wasn't a big deal if they needed some of the cash to pay for other things, like her brother's wedding.

She only discovered this when it was time for her to go to school and saw that there was only about $13,000 left of her cash share to go to college. Livid, she took out loans and moved out of her parent's house. She says that as a result she's become the "shame" of her family as a result.

Not only did her folks take her school money, but apparently they took it from her sister as well, who didn't really care as she was married two years after graduating high school and never wanted to go to college in the first place.
In order to get her money back, OP slapped her folks with a lawsuit, which has become a huge point of gossip within their community.

This has predictably made her even more of a pariah in not just her own family but the community that she belongs to. In order to help try and keep the peace, OP's brother reached out to her and said that he would pay for her college if she would drop the lawsuit, to which she agreed but she wanted a binding contract, in writing, stating that he would follow through on the payments.

Her brother called her an "a**hole for not trusting him" but she replied that it was wrong of him to accept the cash that was supposed to be used for her education for a wedding party.

She wanted to know if she was in the wrong for suing her parents for the money and making a big stink about not having her college paid off like her Great-Aunt intended, adding that she feels ashamed for what she's doing, but says that she doesn't want to live her life with the guillotine of student loans hanging above her head.

Throngs of Redditors replied that she shouldn't feel bad about it one bit, remarking that her parents didn't "borrow" the money for her brother's wedding nor did they ask her if it would be all right, that they "stole it."

Others said that there's no way her parents could even argue that blowing a ton of cash on a huge party is in any way, shape, or form comparable to providing an education for someone who really wants to go to college.
What do you think? Did OP's parents push her to do this? Or should she have found another way to try and resolve the issue?