Woman Posts About Throwing Drink in Guy’s Face, He Finds Her Video, Responds

Updated May 30 2023, 10:40 a.m. ET

The internet has a strange way of pulling people apart (just hop on Twitter and watch the bot wars of identity-politics propaganda to see an example).
But the web can also bring people together. Sometimes, however, it joins folks who met one another under strange and/or insulting and gratuitous circumstances.
Like this Cincinnati-based TikToker who posted a viral clip of her sitting in bed and looking astonished on camera over the fact that she "threw a drink in a man's face" from the night before.
Guess what? The guy on the receiving end of that drink throw ended up seeing her video and he posted a response, giving his side of the story.
And some folks are urging him to press charges after hearing his insight into the incident.
Tamnay Bedi (@tanmaybedi_) said that the woman's video is "what 0 accountability looks like," and delves into a story time about how he and his friends were hanging out at a bar.
He says that he and his pals were joking around minding their own business when a group of girls walk into the bar, which he says wasn't that crowded, and stand next to him and his group of guy friends.
Immediately, Tanmay says, the woman in the video turns to him and his friends and accuses one of his boys of spilling his drink on her, adding that it's the "third time" it's happened, but Tanmay says it's the first time any of them have seen her in their lives.
The TikToker goes on to say that he wasn't even drinking that night and his pal explains to her that his back was turned to her so it was highly unlikely that he spilled his drink on her, and their other friend was on the opposite side of them, so it's not like he could've spilled his drink on her either.

At some point in the conversation, Tanmay interjects, with his hands in his pockets, telling the woman that there's no way they spilled a drink on her and even if it did happen, he pointed out that they're in a bar and it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
Tanmay's friend, "F," who is talking with the woman then jokingly points to Tanmay and says that he was the one who spilled the drink on her. The joke presumably being that there was no way he could've done so, as he wasn't drinking and his hands were in his pockets.
Without hesitation, the girl grab's a drink out of his friend's hand, then empties it on Tanmay's face, then takes the cup and throws it at him.
Tanmay, standing there, shocked, watches the woman run up to a bouncer at the front of the bar, who she is friends with, and "flips the script" and begins telling the security worker that Tanmay "did something to her."

The bouncer then approaches Tanmay, not listening to any of him or his friends' exhortations, warns them to "stay away from" her or that they would get kicked out of the bar.
He says that throughout the night the woman was there, "dancing on random dudes the entire night," while they had their every move being watched by security.
The entire situation didn't sit right with Tanmay, who then decided to put on his "investigation hat" to try and find out who this girl is. He located her on Instagram through some mutual friends and ultimately DM'ed her. He discovered she was "bragging about spilling a drink on someone's face on Friday night."

In his DM he said that her throwing a drink in his face was "not OK" and that he demanded an apology from her. The "apology" she gave him read as follows: "1. you don't have to basically threaten me for an apology, I would've easily given you one if you would've just asked."
She then asserted Tanmay and his friends spilled their drink on her: "2. y'all splashed me literally 3 times & then caught a attitude and led with 'it's not that deep' it was, I went to a bar not a d--- water park. I understand i'm going to be splashed, pushed, stepped on, etc but when I turn around and y'all find s--- a joke, yeah obviously im going to get mad"

In the third bullet point of her response, she says that she was severely inebriated: "3. this isn't an excuse whatsoever but friday was probably the closest i've been to blacking out so I was in no mental state to think for a second about my choices, so I apologize for throwing a cup of ice at you but don't threaten me again cause this ain't that!"
He said that even though the apology didn't seem genuine to him or his friends he accepted it and was ready to move on until he saw her TikTok about the incident.
He concluded his video by stating that he wanted to set the record straight and call out the woman refusing to take accountability for her actions. He also called out the bar that it occurred at, The Stretch, for having bouncers who are "simps."
In a follow-up video, he said that the girl who threw a drink at him, Sarah, gave him a satisfactory apology for what transpired that evening, along with uploading a video about it. He also urged folks to stop review-bombing the place she works and that he believes she deserves a second chance.