Woman Convinces Her Tinder Match to Get Identical Tattoos Before They Meet

Updated May 2 2019, 1:59 p.m. ET

A guy on Tinder actually had someone take his suggestion of getting "matching tattoos" so seriously that the pair went and did it before they even had a proper date.
There's a kind of reckless impulsiveness that I feel a lot of adults could benefit from when they're older. When we're children, we just want to get things done and have a great time.
What happens to most folks after a while though is that, after years of failing, getting hurt or humiliated, train ourselves to be more "practical," which doesn't really feel so good. Finding a nice romantic partner and convincing ourselves that they're good for us might be a safe choice, but do they make our hearts beat really fast? Are you really that madly in love with them?
The same goes for many people's career choices: do you go after that tough or scary job or promotion, or stay in the same comfortable gig you have. Does making a living really feel like living?
While I'm all for going for going after your dreams and constantly pushing yourself to your maximum capabilities in all aspects of your life, I also think people unnecessarily do "dangerous" things to attain that feeling. Like skydiving to feel like you did something "thrilling" while your home and career life aren't all that hot. Find the thrill in chasing a bigger life instead of jumping out of an airplane.
Or getting a tattoo with a random stranger like these kids did.

Topher's Tinder bio stated that he was on the dating platform to find someone to get some matching tattoos with. It's a cute thing to say and invokes that whole young, madly in love vibe, which a lot of people can gel with. Or maybe it was a just a jab at people who go head first into getting matching tattoos.
Whatever the case, someone called Topher's bluff and asked if he would actually go and get matching tattoos.
Kennedy Wilson messaged him and cut straight to the chase: getting a tat. Chris — either really wanting a tat or proving young men will do just about anything for the opportunity to get laid — said sure.
And they did this before they went on a date or exchanged any other information about themselves.
First there was the question of which tattoo to get. If you're going to get inked up with a stranger and the two of you are going to rock the same exact design, then you better pick something great, right? It can't be anything mundane or lame at all. So they employed some pretty high-level, personal thinking when deciding what to put on their bodies.
Just kidding, Kennedy straight up asked him if Chris would be cool with getting a shamrock and he agreed.

In case you're wondering, that's Kennedy texting in the blue, not Chris, and that's because she logged into Twitter to reply to his tweet and let everyone know she's the girl in the photo he shared.

They ultimately went through with the plan and got the matching tattoos, Kennedy's went right above her pubic bone, and Chris got his right above his right ankle. Their joint-tattoo decision got a lot of people asking online when they're going to get married. Kennedy's response? "Updates to come."

Well they've got matching tattoos down pat, along with some playful banter to go with it on Twitter, but without that Davidson-Grande level of in your-faceness.

As it turns out, other people on Tinder have the same line about tattoos as this dude right here. However, his most definitely seems more like a joke, and he even admits he hopes no one takes him up on it like Kennedy did.

For his sake, I hope that it never comes to fruition because...yikes.