Woman Wrecks Car Dressed Like Stephen King's Carrie and Alarms First Responders

Updated Oct. 29 2019, 4:52 p.m. ET

Sid Wolfe probably didn't think that she'd end up in a real car wreck when she was meticulously applying fake blood to her entire body to help promote a performance of Carrie: The Musical at a haunted house. And yet there she was, driving home looking like a Stephen King character, when she completely totaled her car.
I'd like to get out of the way right now that Sid is fine. She wasn't injured in the accident, at least not nearly as seriously as the blood spurting out of her head would have first responders believe. In fact, she thought it was hilarious enough to tweet about.
Sid explains in a follow-up tweet that she was out at a haunted house promoting Carrie: The Musical, as one does when it's almost Halloween, and she was too lazy to take off her costume and makeup before driving home. We've all been there, am I right?
So she decided to drive home covered in fake blood, probably never thinking in a million years that she would get into a car crash that required first responders. That's not something you prepare for. But then, a deer ran in front of her car, and it got, well, totaled. She couldn't drive it home, and soon, first responders (I assume police officers and maybe EMTs too) were on the scene.
When they saw Sid, dressed in a tiara and gown and absolutely head-to-toe covered in what looked like blood, they — naturally — totally freaked. Oh my goodness, I would have paid good money to see the look on those people's faces when Sid stumbled out of the car to greet them on the side of the road.
She probably gave them a fright they will never, ever forget. Ostensibly, once they realized it was a costume and Sid wasn't actually covered in buckets of her own blood, everyone calmed down a bit and had a good laugh about it. This is the kind of thing that can...and should...only happen around Halloween.
Obviously, Sid's story went viral quickly. Her first tweet garnered nearly 35,000 retweets and over 190,000 likes. People keep tagging Stephen King, who is very active and funny on Twitter himself, in responses hoping that he will see the story. Reactions can pretty much be summed up by the sentence, "Glad you're OK, but holy cow, this is funny."
There aren't a lot of funny car wreck stories out there, so this one might actually top them all. Hey, ultimately, Sid succeeded in doing what she set out to do that night: scare the living daylights out of some people while dressed as Carrie. This is probably not exactly how she thought it would happen, but when life gives you car wrecks...
One Twitter user even pointed out that "there is a car that gets totaled in Carrie as well so it looks like you just took your costume to the next level." It sure does.