Woman Gets Corneal Ulcer After Not Taking Proper Care of Her Contacts Lenses, Warns Others

Published Aug. 23 2023, 2:41 p.m. ET
Our eyes have an essential function, and glasses or contacts can help with vision. However, they also have flaws. Glasses can get lost easily, and some need help with contact lenses.
One woman experienced what can happen if you don’t properly care for your contacts and shared her story on TikTok to warn others not to do the same.
A woman begs others to take care of their contact lenses after she got a corneal ulcer.
There are different types of glasses wearers: those who wear their glasses all the time, those who wear contacts, and those who do a bit of both. Some wear glasses for most tasks but remove them for photos or fashion reasons. I belong to this category.
Why don’t I get contacts instead of putting my glasses on and off, you ask? Contacts have always freaked me out, between you and me, as I don’t enjoy poking around my eyes. And honestly, after TikTok user @gold.kurrency said that her contacts nearly made her go blind, I think I’ll stick to my current method.
In August 2023, @gold.kurrency posted a video that began with a photo of herself. In the photo, she zoomed in on one of her eyes that was visibly red and was watering. The TikToker titled the video with a warning to “STOP WEARING CONTACTS.”
She then created a greenscreen to show herself in another frame with one eye open and the other closed. As she’s on the camera with tears in her eyes, she said she “strongly advises” those who wear contacts or fake eyelashes to stop doing so for her sake.
@gold.kurrency said when she woke up one morning on July 18, 2023, she noticed her eye was red and puffy and assumed it was pink eye.
Naturally, she went to the doctor for assistance and said they gave her a cream to apply to her eye. Unfortunately, the swelling and redness worsened after the TikToker received the cream and some eye drops.
@gold.kurrency said after a five-day hospital stay, the doctors diagnosed her with a corneal ulcer — an open sore in the outer layer of the cornea caused by an infection, per Cleveland Clinic. After confirming her diagnosis, the user again warned her followers to remove anything that could irritate or damage their eyes.
"You can get this from getting your eyelashes done, not cleaning them properly," she said. "Take y'all contacts out when y'all sleeping ... change y'all [contact] solution, change y'all contact cases. This is serious."
“Y’all take them contacts out and clean them lashes out,” the TikToker later begged. “Do what you gotta do 'cause you don’t wanna end up like this.”
The TikToker received many questions about her corneal ulcer and gave updates on her vision.
After her emotional TikTok, @gold.kurrency received thousands of comments from other users regarding her condition. Several users sent the TikToker prayers and well-wishes, while others took it as another warning sign for them not to sleep with their contacts in — and scolded her for seemingly doing so.
However, in another video, @gold.kurrency said she didn't sleep in her contacts. Rather, she says she got a corneal ulcer from not taking proper care of her contacts. She admitted that she hadn't been good about changing out her contact solution with new solution.
In another video, the TikToker replied to a question about whether she was blind in her eye. She said she wasn't blind but that everything looked “blurry” and compared her vision to looking out of a bathroom window. She also said she wasn’t sure if her eye would heal or if she would have permanent vision loss or total blindness in her eye.
Underneath her final update, her followers begged her to follow up with her doctor or an eye specialist, so she didn’t have to endure permanent eye damage.
“Please keep going back and bugging them doctors until it’s better,” her follower stressed. “No matter what they say.”
“God bless you,” a second user commented. “I hope everything works out & you end up healed & happy ❤️!”