Stranger Applauds Woman for Wearing Pic of Herself on Her Own Hoodie — but It Was a Pic of Obama
"The way I gasped..."

Published May 15 2024, 2:13 p.m. ET

Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan's Rush Hour films (at least the first two) were wildly successful affairs, and a lot of the movies' jokes were deeply rooted in humor that touched upon racial themes, especially misunderstandings between Tucker's and Chan's characters' different backgrounds.
This recurring theme of the Rush Hour series can probably be best summarized in this scene from Rush Hour 2 when Chan and Tucker, while visiting a bath house, get into a large brawl. Tucker's character, after accidentally punching Chan in the face, gets called out by his Chinese partner.
Tucker, in defense of his actions, shouts, "All y'all look alike," before proceeding to fight the baddies who have descended upon him and his partner. If you've never watched the scene, you can check it out here.
TikToker Paulina Agyei (@goodweirdgal) probably won't need to anytime soon as she experienced an "all y'all look alike" moment of her own, in real life.
The TikTok user shared a brief story followed by a long pause demonstrating how a random stranger approached her to tell her that she "loved [her] confidence."
Why did the stranger think she was being so confident and feeling herself?
It had everything to do with the sweatshirt that Paulina was wearing — as the random stranger thought she was sporting a photograph of herself on her clothing.
However, Paulina showed that this wasn't the case. At all.

"This woman, a stranger, just came up to me and she says I love your confidence. I'm confused. But I say thank you 'cause I'm not rude. And she goes, continues, stranger, 'I could never walk around with a picture of myself on my hoodie.'"
It's at this point in the video that Paulina raises her sunglasses and looks at the camera with an expression that appears to intone she was most certainly not rocking a shirt that had a photo of herself on it.

She pushes the phone back to show off which sweater she's wearing: it's a brown hoodie and on it is a black-and-white photograph of former President Barack Obama when he was younger. Obama's also rocking a T-shirt with someone else's face on it.
She jostles around in her seat in front of the camera, until she eventually folds her hands in front of her, seemingly searching for the words to speak. Finally, she just puts her sunglasses back on her head, and begins buckling her seat belt in. "OK, thank you, no, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she says after securing herself in the whip.

She added in a caption for the video: "It has been 0 Days since our last nonsense."
Some viewers who saw Paulina's video stated that they, too, have been in situations where they were mistaken for a famous person of their same race ... despite looking nothing like that famous person.
"They swear we all look alike, I had a college 'friend' who asked me to play Queen Latifah in her skit since we resemble each other so much," one person wrote.
Someone else joked: "I love her confidence to say that to someone."

There were a number of other people who said that they weren't prepared for the reveal of who was on her hoodie in her video: "I don’t think I could’ve ever guessed who was on your hoodie," one person wrote.
Another replied: "GIRL I WASN'T PREPARED FOR OBAMA LEGIT THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SOMEONE ELSE." Someone else said: "The way I gasped."
One person said that they experienced the same thing when they were in school, but they were confused with a Superbad star and not a POTUS: "I was wearing a shirt with Michael Cera on it once and a teacher thought I was wearing a shirt of myself. I don't look like Michael Cera."

Have you ever been in a situation that was so awkward you were at a loss for words like Paulina was? Or have you not had interactions with individuals who confuse women with young pictures of Barack Obama?