A Woman Accidentally Uses Jewelry Cleaner as Teeth Whitener β Is There a Doctor in the House?

Updated Sept. 29 2023, 11:21 a.m. ET

Both have the bright stuff!
I realize there are only so many container shapes available but why must some of them look so shockingly similar? For example, I once brushed my teeth with pimple cream and I gotta be honest, the taste was horrible but it sure cleared up my tooth acne. All kidding aside, I have since learned to read every single label before using a product. I always make sure my mouthwash isn't somehow Windex.
Speaking of chompers, one woman on TikTok was merely trying to brighten her smile when she realized her teeth whitening pen was actually something else. Was it liquid eyeliner? A tube of lipgloss from the 1990s? An actual pen? Honestly, she accidentally chose something that was almost comparable to her teeth whitening pen, if it wasn't potentially bad for her health. Read on to find out which pen took her on this fangtastic voyage.

They've never looked better
Don't forget to always read labels!
Hannah Williams, who goes by @hannahlilywilliams on TikTok, was wondering why her teeth whitening stick didn't seem to be working. After using it for three days, she decided to investigate and discovered she was using a brightener all right, but it wasn't for teeth.
"I just realized something," a shocked and worried Hannah said in a TikTok. "Somebody tell me if I'm gonna be OK." Hannah's quest for knowledge led her to a bathroom drawer where she found her whitening sticks.
In her other hand was what she was previously using. Behold, the Diamond Dazzle Stik stared back in an almost mocking manner. I know what you're thinking, Diamond Dazzle Stik is an incredible name for a teeth whitener. You know what it's a better name for? How about a jewelry cleaner.
They say diamonds are a girl's best friend but a Diamond Dazzle Stik just became Hannah's enemy. So, is Hannah going to be OK? Let's take a look at its ingredients.
I located the label information on Target which yielded half helpful results. The first ingredient listed is water, which we can all agree is fine. Not only is that not going to hurt Hannah, dare I say we all need more of it (but please don't get it from the Diamond Dazzle Stik).
The next four elements couldn't be more vague. The Diamond Dazzle Stik also contains "cleaning agents, polishing agents, conditioners, and Ph adjusters." These could be anything and most of the options aren't great. Are these ingredients in the witness protection program? What's with all the secrecy.

Diamond Dazzlee Stik's aren't a girl's teeth's best friend
Moving on we get to Blue #1 which has to be good, right? Isn't being No. 1 supposed to be the best? Well, I have bad news for Hannah. Not only is it not great, but several countries have banned it from being used. "Norway, Finland, and France have banned these dyes, likely because they have been linked to brain cancer," per TheHealthy.com.
Rounding second base we hit an indistinct fragrance followed by Linalool which is a "substance approved by the FDA as a direct food additive," per the National Institutes of Health. Like Linalool, D-Limonene is also safe for consumption. It's a flavoring agent. Lastly, Quaternium-15 is "harmful if swallowed." It's also "toxic in contact with skin."

We love soft teeth
It looks like the Diamond Dazzle Stik is a real mixed bag when it comes to accidentally swallowing it. Thankfully, a helpful TikToker jumped into the comments to assure Hannah she will be all right. "The Diamond Dazzle Stik safety data sheet says to rinse mouth and seek treatment if you feel unwell, so I think that means you're good as long as you feel OK," wrote @marsinspvce. Hannah responded that she did in fact rinse after ever treatment. Huzzah!
What's the lesson to be learned here? Should Hannah keep jewelry cleaner in her bathroom, next to other toiletries? Probably not. Do we need jewelry in stick form? Sounds tedious. What I did notice is Diamond Dazzle Stik could also be called DDS, which is the degree a dentist gets. It stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery. I'm not trying to start a conspiracy here, but this doesn't feel like a coincidence!