Woman Wrecks Her Car Trying to Cut McDonald’s Drive-Thru Line, Blames Other Customers

Published Oct. 14 2022, 2:33 p.m. ET

Watching a person act entitled is really vicariously embarrassing. It's an emotional development train wreck when a grown human being can vehemently defend clearly wrong actions just because they don't want to admit they're out of pocket. Maybe it's because, if they did, they'd have to better themselves.
So instead of trying to become a better person who has healthy reactions in pressurized situations, they continue to blame anyone and everyone else around them for their misfortunes. Everyone else should just accept their behavior because everything they do is inherently significant.
A lot of times we see this entitlement manifest in "Karen" situations. and a recent one that went viral on TikTok tells the story of a woman at a McDonald's drive-thru who decided to cut into the line with her vehicle.
In the process, she side-swiped her own car and, naturally, blamed the other customers for the damage.
TikToker @lavendermintmom uploaded a viral clip where she's recording a woman stepping out of a white crossover SUV that appears to be a little banged up on both driver's side doors.

A young woman stands outside of the vehicle and is shouting into the windshield of the TikToker recording the interaction. A text overlay in the video reads: "girl cut me in line and swiped her own car when I wouldn't 'back up to let her in'."

After yelling at the TikToker, she hunches over to look at scratches on her car. In an additional video, @lavendermintmom also showed the lead-up to the woman attempting to cut the drive-thru line.
The text overlay in this clip reads: "she literally just shot in like there was somewhere to go!!!" The video clearly shows the drive-thru customer attempting to wedge herself in between other cars, instead of just driving around to the back of the line... you know, like how lines work?

In the comments, the TikToker said the police came, but the officer ultimately said that, because McDonald's was private property, he couldn't get involved in the dispute.

What's more, the TikTok user said the line-cutting Karen also tried to lie to the officer, saying @lavendermintmom cut in front of her and that's why her car was damaged, but the cop didn't appear to investigate the matter further, according to the TikToker.

@lavendermintmom added in the comments that the irate woman also attempted to kick in the window of her car, and then stuck around to get her food order.
"This was crazy and she even tried to kick in my window. She did end up getting her cheeseburgers tho...wonder if it was worth it for her," she wrote.
Have you ever dealt with someone trying to cut the line at a fast food restaurant's drive-thru? How did you handle it?