Woman Yells at Cops Who Blocked the Road and Is Crowned a Neighborhood Hero

Published June 15 2023, 6:45 p.m. ET
When Francis Scott Key wrote that America is the land of the free and home of the brave, he was probably talking about Jada — a civilian who has had enough of the NYPD.
In June 2023, Jada posted a video on her TikTok profile that really got the people going. With more than 8 million views as of this writing, the clip sees her get out of her car to yell at a couple of cops who had blocked the road. Why did they set up a road block, you ask? To “chit-chat," according to Jada.
Since then, she’s been crowned a neighborhood hero. It’s unclear where Jada was headed before she got held up in traffic — it could have been work, home, or even just down the street. Whatever her obligations were that day, one thing is for sure: She had time.
Read on for a rundown on what happened!
This woman yelled at cops who blocked the road to seemingly “chit-chat” — and the internet crowned her a neighborhood hero.
Two officers were, quite literally, minding their own business when they were approached by the Lady of Rage. And from what we can tell, Jada had every right to be upset.
“I wanna know what the emergency is,” she asked as she approached the officers who had blocked off the road. “I want names and badge numbers. Why are you blocking off a whole road?”
According to Jada, there was a pregnant woman behind them that was also stuck in the queue. Infuriated, Jada said: “Move! Get off the f------ road!”
She described the officers as “tyrants” and “clowns in costumes” before she dropped the mic and walked away.
“Sorry, but blocking a whole street to chit-chat will not fly with me! NYPD had 30+ cars backed up. Zero emergency,” she captioned the TikTok. After the video was posted, it made its rounds on social media and it wasn’t long before her comment section went crazy!
Hundreds of comments applauded Jada for her bravery and deemed her a neighborhood hero on both TikTok and Twitter, where even more spectators chimed in with their thoughts on the incident.
“Wow, I was wary about this video but I'm glad I watched it,” Twitter user @ohtazer said of the viral clip.
“There really is something deeply satisfying about a successful (and low mortality) chastening of a group that generally functions like an unaccountable and petty occupying army,” their tweet continued.
Not to mention, there were some people who just couldn’t get over her quintessential New York accent. In fact, many of us never even knew that cursing in cursive was a thing before Jada slid on the scene.
On TikTok, @bebig23 joked: “Sounding like a scene in Goodfellas … the accent is gangsta! 'I wanna know what the emergency is, I want names and badge numbers!'”
A few people in Jada’s comment section even suggested that the new internet celebrity run for office, and it’s not the worst idea we’ve ever heard …