The Women in Male Fields Trend on TikTok Is Designed to Turn the Tables on Men
The trend is designed to show men just how badly they sometimes treat women.
Published Nov. 20 2024, 11:58 a.m. ET
Because it's on the internet and there are people there, TikTok is sometimes a place where you can find pretty ugly misogyny. A recent TikTok trend is attempting to turn the tables, though, by asking women to assume some of the worst behaviors that men sometimes exhibit.
This trend, which has been dubbed the "women in male fields" trend, is taking over TikTok, and many want to know more about exactly what it is. Here's what we know.

What is the women in male fields trend on TikTok?
The "women in male fields" trend is characterized by women adopting behaviors that men typically demonstrate in a relationship. These behaviors are often related to traits like insensitivity, insecurity, or emotional immaturity.
One of the most popular videos involves a woman recounting the story of ghosting a guy along with the caption: “Made plans to meet him at 7 p.m., so I switched my phone off at 6 p.m."
Another video featured the caption, “He was crying in bed so I said, ‘Here we go again,’ and turned around and fell asleep #womeninmalefields."
The joke here is that these are behaviors that these women have experienced at the hands of men, and they are turning the tables by asking men how they might feel if the women in their lives were as cold and cruel as they sometimes are.
The trend has gone viral in large part because of the number of women who have seen one of these videos and discovered something in them that they can relate to from their own lives.
"Me after pulling the 'I'm not looking for a relationship but I'm down to chill' card after acting like we're dating for two months," another video said.
"I fear this was me and then I actually fell for him," one person wrote in the comments under the video.
Others have written similar things, suggesting that they recognize the behavior in some of the men in their own lives. Of course, because men can never leave anything alone, they even had to hop on this trend and suggest that women weren't the only ones with some common and problematic behaviors.
Men have gotten in on the trend as well.
Even as women have united to poke fun at the men in their lives, men have tried to do the same, starting a "men in female fields" trend that is meant to coincide with the one that the ladies have started up.
“When I have a bad day so I keep complaining about it to her and I try to pick a fight with her because I just feel like arguing, but she’s cool and that makes me even more mad #meninfemalefields," one person wrote in their video.
These videos appear to resonate with the men who see them, at least if the comments are any indication. It's fair to say that women are far from perfect, but also worth remembering that, for most of human history, men have had the upper hand.