Women Like Their Best Friends More Than Their Husbands, Surprising No One

Updated April 30 2019, 11:27 a.m. ET

A recent study confirms what most of us pretty much already knew: people's marriages aren't turning out to be the lovefests they should be and individuals are looking to their best friends for real emotional fulfillment.
We all build different types of relationships over time; some that last and some that quickly fizzle. I’m not just talking about romantic relationships. Platonic ones can also crash and burn, especially with most adults nowadays being too busy to maintain their friendships.
However, many are lucky to have someone in their lives who stands the test of time. This person isn't necessarily a significant other but could be a best friend, and a recent questionnaire revealed an overwhelming number of women preferred their platonic besties to their romantic partners.
A survey by the healthcare company & spa Champneys specifically looks into why most of their sold-out packages are for ladies only and the results should make all husbands want to step up their game in the friendship department. I for one can vouch for that, because my wife and her best friend are a perfect platonic match. They like all the same things, never argue, and always have a good time even when doing nothing at all.

There’s also none of that snarky commentary between them or even the playful banter I find amusing. And, according to this survey, that’s one of the many reasons women prefer the company of their gal pals: because they’re frankly just less annoying. Thanks, babe.
This challenges the notion of soulmates according to Champneys, who feel soulmates go beyond romantic or physical connections. Out of the 1,517 women who participated, over 50 percent said they preferred their girlfriends’ company to their significant others.
A Champney's representative stated, "These research findings back up our own sales stats, which show that all female group bookings for our spa days and weekend offerings have nearly doubled over the past 12 months. In fact, our ‘Girly Getaway’ and ‘Girls Night In’ packages for groups of six or more are amongst the most in-demand packages at Champneys Spa resorts."

In addition to simply being less irritating, as one in four women claimed, there were several other reasons for these stats.
Women who took the survey said they could "talk about everything" with their best friends, no holds barred. I’d like to think that I’m a good if not consistently active listener, but I know (from having apologized about it way too many times) that I don’t always give a diplomatic response in sensitive situations. Clearly, I’m not the only husband struggling with this issue.

Moreover, 39 percent of the ladies surveyed said they preferred their girlfriends because "we laugh until we cry," 29 percent adding, "I can truly be myself." A quarter of respondents even stated point-blank, "we have much more in common." Confessions don’t end there! Forty percent said their lady friends were better company because "we enjoy the same things," and 28 percent said their girl best friends "offers better advice."
Better but not the best advice if you ask me. Personally, I think women often tell each other what they want to hear, which probably is why they don’t argue or irritate each other. You can’t win it all, girls. Credit must be given where credit is due! Speaking of, for the fifth of those women surveyed who said their gals had "a better sense of humor," I mean, I know that’s not the case in my relationship because, well, come on now.

My wife and I like to do face masks at home together when time allows, because we can all use the skin TLC. But seriously, fellow husbands, it might not be a bad idea to book a spa weekend as a couple. Let’s take an active role in changing these statistics, one clay mask and Swedish massage at a time! Give em’ that and lend em’ a working ear and, before you know it, we’ll be back in their good graces.