Mom Stunned After Daughter Charged for Eating 2 Slices of Cake While Babysitting Kids
"See I would apologize profusely, go out and buy her a cake and accidentally drop it as I was transferring it into Sis’s hands."

Published Feb. 29 2024, 12:10 p.m. ET

If you grew up with the kind of family that rationed out food like they were in the Soviet Union, then I feel bad for you. While I wasn't exactly raised with tons of money, and don't remember getting carted around in a whip that looks like it belonged in a Griswold Family Vacation movie, at least my folks and siblings weren't cheap when it came to food.
If you had something on your plate and someone walked into the room you immediately offered half. If someone entered your home and you even put them in the position to have to ask for something meant that you were a bad host and you brought shame to your last name. Personally, I'm proud of that.
So after reading this AITA ("Am I the a-----") which was then re-published on Reddit's r/redditonwiki sub, I was a bit horrified, but maybe that's just because I was raised differently.
Or, maybe the way you were raised has nothing to do with it, because the food squabble delineated in the post is between two sisters.

OP says that she set up a pretty sweet arrangement with her sister: OP's daughter Carly, babysits her sister, (let's call her Janice for the sake of the story) in exchange for a bit of cash. This is a great setup for both Carly and Janice.
That's because Carly isn't really in a position, nor has the desire to work a full-time job, but Janice needs a babysitter. If you're going to get someone to watch your kids, who better than family? Plus, according to OP, her sister is paying her around $37-$50 for every babysitting session — so it's not like she's breaking the bank when it comes to childcare costs.
Trouble started brewing, however, when Janice rang OP up one day, upset that Carly decided to help herself to two pieces of lemon curd cake from her refrigerator.

Apparently, the lemon curd cake was from some fancy bakery and was served at Janice's birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Janice kept some slices of the 2-week-old cake in her refrigerator, and, presumably because she dropped a ton of money on this confection, wanted to be compensated for the consumed cake slices.
At first, OP thought that Janice was just mad Carly ate the cake and lectured her daughter on asking before just helping herself to someone else's food in their refrigerator.
When Janice persistently asked for money for the cake, OP joked that it was probably going to go bad anyway because it had been in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
Janice didn't find that too funny and went on to demand that OP hand her $25 as the cake, she says, cost her a whopping $88.

Towards the end of her post, OP made it clear that she and Janice were in a stalemate: which is why she decided to take to the internet and ask if she was in the wrong for thinking that her sister was being petty in asking for the cake money.
Commenters thought that Janice was being super lame about the entire thing and that she should consider just how great of a set-up she has with Carly. One user shared their tactic for OP to get Janice to realize this: "Pay sis for the two slices of her fancy a-- cake, and tell your daughter she will not be babysitting her siblings without full and comparable to other sitters compensation ever again. And tell her why."

They continued, "Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters, and she obviously had no idea how good she had it. Emphasis on had. If she wants to nickel and dime you, let’s go"
Someone else echoed this sentiment with their own petty revenge plot: "Honestly I would return the 20 euros in person…
BUT it would be attached to an invoice for the amount my daughter should have been compensated for the number of hours she worked x the market rate for babysitting 2 children under 10 in their country."

What do you think? Should OP fork over the cash? Or is Janice just being salty because she spent a bunch of money on cake that no one wanted to eat during her daughter's birthday party, and now she's trying to find a way to reconcile her frustration with that dessert-purchasing experience?