This Wrong Number Text Troll Screenshots His Hilarious Conversations

Updated March 18 2019, 4:28 p.m. ET
One man has pretty much perfected the art of trolling wrong number texts and the results are hilarious.
A good prank tows the line of mean-spiritidness and honest hilarity. Sometimes, the lines between the two blur and it's difficult to ascertain whether or not the prankster's pulling off an honest-to-goodness joke or if they're just being unnecessarily mean to someone.
How do you know when too much is too much? When is it right to troll someone who "deserves" it? I think the answer to that in most cases is fairly simple: if the person on the receiving end of the prank exhibits some uncomely behavioral characteristics, then generally speaking whoever's witnessing said prank isn't going to feel so bad that they ended up getting the business.
Michael Butane has been towing that line fairly well with his "Troll Train" series of text conversations, which has had some hilarious results in the past. Sometimes, he just messes people who've texted the wrong number. Other times, he puts his phone number up where thirsty dudes hoping to chat with a beautiful woman can see it. After a while, he finally reveals they've been talking to a mustachio'ed dude the whole time and their reactions range from horrified to inexplicably angry.
And he's up to his antics again.
He'll screenshot his conversations with these men and then dedicate a series of tweets to the ways he gets them to make fools of themselves all in the hunt for love or a random casual sexual encounter with a perfect stranger. He's got some pretty great hits, like "the adventures of hot dog boy."
If these guys weren't blinded by the opportunity to possibly spend some naked time with a woman, they'd probably pick up that Michael's trolling them from the start. But they really never do seem to learn.
The challenge to "hot dog boy" is simple: put some mustard on your nipples and send him a photo of it. And if they do that then they'll know you're for real.
The thing is, the guy seems to know what's going to happen to him: whoever's on the other end will screenshot it and turn him into a meme.
So of course he's not going to do that, which is why he offered him a compromise: put the mustard on his face instead.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, he actually slathered his face in mustard then confidently said he'll see the lovely lady in 20 minutes.
Of course Michael had to burst his bubble, which got the guy so angry he couldn't even cuss properly.
The guy tries to backtrack and say the guy in the picture wasn't even him and he took a photo from Google. I did search for different images of mustard on men's faces on Google and I wasn't able to find that photo. So I think it's safe to assume homeboy actually did douse his face in the yellow condiment.
Michael's pranks usually target dudes who were disrespectful or won't take no for an answer. So it's not like he's indiscriminately getting innocent people's hopes up by catfishing them and then giving them the full prank treatment.
Then there was this one guy who thought he was texting an out-of-towner and things got dirty real fast. I find it hard to believe the guy didn't think something was up the second he made the Doom reference.
Michael decides to troll him with a photo of himself, and the guy he's texting is confused, but Mike' not done with him yet.
Another huge farm for Michael's trolls is Tinder. If he messages guys who rub him the wrong way or are a bit too explicit and/or "douchey" in their messages, he pranks them.
To this guy's credit, at least he gave a "my bad dude" and didn't get upset like some of Michael's other victims. But that didn't stop the Troll Train conductor for chugging along.
Some people take the grand reveal a little better than others...but this next guy isn't one of them. According to Michael, the man was so upset he wasn't talking to a woman that he just couldn't believe it.
Michael lays it on rather thick before finally showing the dude who he's been sexily chatting with the entire time, and the dude only had, "Eeeek!" to say. Which would've been fine if he just took the loss on the chin and walked away.
But he didn't.
As the conversation unravels, we come to learn this dude was texting pictures of his genitals to a woman he thought was homeless and needed a place to stay. Classy.
What's wild is that the anonymous dude in question isn't fazed by being trolled the way he was, either that or he really thought he was still talking to a woman the entire time.
Could anyone be that dense? Apparently, yes.
There's tons of pranks like these, including this sorta-NSFW one where a guy from Plenty of Fish promises him a vacation to Bali so long as they're able to screw around the entire time. If you're into Michael's Troll Train, you can check out more of his misadventures on Twitter and Facebook.