Astrologer Nina Kahn Reveals What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your "Messaging Personality"

Published March 22 2022, 12:06 p.m. ET

A zodiac sign can reveal a lot about your personality, especially when it comes to how you communicate — particularly when it comes to texting.
Whether it's texting on your cell or sending a DM, your astrological sign can guide whether you are quick to respond, need some time to think up the perfect response, or prefer to leave someone on read.
Astrologer Nina Kahn teamed up with Messenger to reveal which zodiac signs are the best and worst communicators (we're looking at you, Pisces).
Here is Nina's complete breakdown of each sign's "messaging personality":

'Gossip Girl's' Jenny Humphrey is a total Aries.
When it comes to replying to messages, Aries might have the fastest fingers around. These bold fire signs know that if they don’t respond to something immediately, they might never respond at all, so you can expect speedy back-and-forth convos.
Plus, they rarely spend more than a split second deliberating over what to say, as Aries are known for being bold and impulsive. Whether you’re communicating with them in person or virtually, you can count on Aries to speak their minds.
Pro-Tip: For those impulsive messages that maybe weren’t such a great idea after the fact, tap into the "unsend" feature on Messenger, which allows you to remove a message whether it’s in a one-on-one chat or for a group!
Tauruses love anything they can do from the comfort of their bed, so if they’re not lounging with their friends and lovers IRL, then messaging with them is the next best thing. As one of the sensual earth signs, being able to hear someone’s tone through a voice note or see someone’s face during a video chat makes Tauruses feel extra connected, even if they’re physically far apart.
And while they may take their time in replying to things (never rush a Taurus!), you can always rely on them to do so.
Pro-Tip: To stay cozy and connected, try out video calling on Messenger and transport to a new place with destination backgrounds and AR effects from the comfort of your couch.

'Pretty Little Liar' Alison was born on June 6, making her a Gemini.
Chatty Geminis are the zodiac’s most masterful multitaskers, so don’t be surprised if you find them chatting with eight different people at once — all while they scroll social media, listen to a podcast, and watch a TV show, too. Because they’ve always got multiple convos in simultaneous rotation, these air signs have a reputation for unintentionally ghosting. Oops!
Thankfully, their clever replies and impeccable taste in memes usually grant them forgiveness for their flightiness.
Pro-Tip: With so many tabs open at all times, try out chat themes in Messenger to customize your convos and keep your group chats sorted.
Cancers are the singular sign ruled by the moon, aka the planet that’s associated with our emotions. That’s part of what makes them so sentimental about their connections with people! These sensitive water signs rarely delete their messages, as they know that someday they’ll want to wistfully reread their archived conversations and revel in the nostalgia of it all.
They love digging through old photos and sharing rose-colored memories with the people they care about.
Pro Tip: In Messenger, all of the photos and videos that have been shared with your group are stored in one easy-to-access album within your chat so you can always take a trip down memory lane and never miss a #TBT moment!

Mindy Lahiri on 'The Mindy Project' is a Cancer.
If there’s one thing we know about Leos, it’s that these lovable fire signs have to add their signature flair to everything they do. That’s part of what makes them so fun to chat with! Expect messages with a Leo to come complete with plenty of animated text, dramatic reaction GIFs, and custom selfie stickers (their fave feature) that help to translate their flashy personalities into the digital realm.
Oh, and they wouldn’t be caught dead looking less than camera-ready for a video call — so expect any face-to-face chats to be very glam.
Pro-Tip: Use selfie stickers in Messenger to capture your fresh looks and put your best face forward in your chats.
Down-to-earth Virgos are ruled by the detail-oriented planet Mercury, and it’s obvious when you consider their punctual and organized communication style — their messages get read promptly and their inboxes are always tidy.
They appreciate scheduling regular video chats with faraway friends to ensure they stay in touch, and you can always count on them to follow up with you when they say they will. Virgos will always remember your birthday, so look forward to a thoughtful message, complete with celebratory animated text and festive emojis.

Carrie Bradshaw is a Libra.
Libras are all about communication and partnership, so being in regular contact with their friends and lovers is super important to them. These balanced air signs always strive to keep the peace, so sometimes they end up deliberating over the most diplomatic way to respond to a message — which causes them to temporarily leave some people on read.
However, when they finally decide how to reply, no one can resist their charming words, cutesy selfie stickers, and perfectly curated emoji choices. Libras are experts when it comes to the art of flirting, after all.
Pro-Tip: Messenger Soundmojis bring emojis to life with movie quotes, trending song clips, and more so you can make your messages as creative as you are.
Scorpios really value their privacy, so they tend to keep a pretty tight circle. While they probably won’t be the chattiest members of a group message, these mysterious water signs will be much more willing to open up during a trusted one-on-one convo where they can let their guard down and be vulnerable.
After all, they have lots of emotions under their cool, calm exteriors! Vanish mode is one of Scorpio’s favorite features, as it ensures their secret convos, silly pictures, or edgy hot takes will stay between them and the person they’re intended for only.

Both Maddy and Cassie are Aquarius on 'Euphoria.'
Free-spirited Sagittarians love to travel and connect with all different types of people, so they often have friends all over the globe — which makes virtual communication an extremely important part of their lives. Whether they’re organizing a last-minute vacation in a group chat, swapping book recommendations with an old lover from abroad, or video calling a friend in another timezone without warning (yes, they’re spontaneous like that!), these fun-loving fire signs are always swapping information or ideas with someone.
Sagittarians have no choice but to follow their wildest whims!
Pro Tip: You can tap into an array of Messenger AR effects to level up your video chat!
Hardworking Capricorns usually have busy schedules, so when it comes to communication, they like to keep things simple and streamlined. Their texting style is often sparse and to-the-point, so setting up shortcuts to their favorite emojis allows them to add more personality to their messages without much extra effort.
Pro-tip: Sending audio voice notes in Messenger while on the go is another favorite way for these no-nonsense earth signs to stay in touch with the people they care about, as it saves them the time it takes to type things out.

Issa Dee's birthday on 'Insecure' was at the end of February, making her a Pisces.
As the sign that rules friendships, unconventional Aquarius is the likely leader of every group chat — which is funny, considering they’re also the most likely to disappear from said chat for days at a time, only to rejoin the convo as if no time had passed. These quirky air signs are also generally tech-savvy, so they’re usually ahead of the latest trends and can easily orchestrate a virtual movie-watching party with their friends or a private group chat to discuss work matters with colleagues.
Pisces are ruled by the dreamy planet Neptune, so while you shouldn’t count on them to get back to your messages in a timely manner, you can be certain that their whimsical and poetic flair will shine through whenever they do get around to replying.
These creative souls are likely to customize their chats with fantasy-like colors, embellish their appearance in video chats with cutesy AR effects, and litter their messages with lots of animated emojis to help visually express their deep water-sign feelings.