This Guy Created A Pros And Cons List For First Date Locations And It's Brilliant

Updated Oct. 16 2018, 11:00 a.m. ET
When it comes to any relationship, not just romantic ones, first impressions are very, very important. I had this one friend growing up and the first time I met him he farted as I went in to shake his hand. You can only imagine the amount of incessant nagging he endured as a result of that unfortunate first encounter.
Despite the fact that he was a super swell and stand-up guy, that first fart was all he was known for in my group of friends. Now you can imagine the amplified concentration and significance we give to potential future significant others when we're meeting them for a first date.
So if you're going to take someone out, you should make that first experience a memorable one. And this post by @MattSureLee, which features a handy-dandy pros and cons list of first date location ideas humorously captures the importance we place on that first encounter.
So yeah, if you've got the money for a helicopter ride, according to this bad boy, your date will be like putty in your hand. Unless, of course, you are a villain and use the ride to demonstrate some type of villainous superiority by throwing a guy who stole from you out of it. Actually, that'd be kinda awesome, in an early '90s action film sorta way.
These aren't the only hilarious board musings Matt has come up with. He created this handy chart for the different types of Uber drivers.
And, because Halloween is upon us, he mapped a collection of his thoughts while watching Hocus Pocus.
He's also got one for your weekend schedule.
This other Halloween post is spot on, too.
And anyone who's ever gone on a run can relate to this graph of emotions.