Guy Definitively Wins Online Dating With Amazing Sonnet That Packs a Secret Message

Updated Jan. 18 2019, 12:22 p.m. ET

If there's one person on Bumble who deserves a super swipe, it's this gentlemen right here.
Anyone who's ever ventured into the world of online dating knows that it's never easy. Because we're dealing with human beings at the end of the day, we know that we're going to come across one or two or a thousand or so weirdos.
All of it can leave you down in the dumps and feeling that love is a bunch of malarkey. It also doesn't help when you're super amped and excited about someone so badly that you're so scared you'll do something to mess it up, so you freeze or draw a horrible blank when you want to break the ice.

But this dude didn't have that problem, at all. During a back and forth with what looks like a match on Bumble, he was prompted by Emilia to write a Sonnet about a first love.
Off-the cuff, he comes up with a poem that's actually pretty damn good.
I mean, seriously, Shakespeare would purse his lips upon seeing this and go, "not bad."
Emilia was more than impressed with this guy's way and ease with the written word.
But as it turns out, her Bumble match didn't just write her a beautiful sonnet and leave it at that, he proved to have a great sense of humor about the world of online dating, as well.
By packing a hidden message in his beautiful sonnet.
Why don't you scroll back up and read the first letter in the sonnet that he posted to her, then come back here.
Pretty clever, right? Well, even if you didn't think so, Emilia did.
But the fun didn't stop there.
Throughout the guy's conversation, he became more and more of a legend. It was so good that Emilia was convinced all of this was pre-planned. That being said, even if it was, it's still pretty darn impressive.
Shockingly, Emilia's Bumble match still wasn't through with dropping the online woo-ing doozies.
That's right, he still had more to give. In the words of the great Taylor Swift, are you ready for it?
She couldn't believe how he kept blowing her mind again and again and again, and thought that there would be even more messaging haymakers.
And for a second, her match got me thinking that he was actually David Blaine this whole time.
If that were the case, that would've gone from being amazing to a bit creepy.
Thankfully, the game stopped there and Emilia handed her number over to the dude.
Modern romance sure is weird — you've got strangers writing poems with hidden messages jokingly asking women to send revealing pics, and then coming up with a hidden, second, sub-message requesting her phone number.
The bar for level of craftiness to thrive in the dating game has just been raised. Best of luck out there, Bumblers.