Guy Gets Unorthodox "Date Request" Note Like It's Middle School and It's Adorable

Updated Jan. 7 2019, 11:55 p.m. ET
Asking someone out is a nerve-wracking experience, one that I think has been unfortunately supplanted by all of the modern romantic assistance technology that we have access to in the palms of our hands.
With apps like Tinder and Bumble, you just swipe swipe swipe through photos. Not only is this super dehumanizing, but it takes away all the butterflies and anticipation from that initial "leap of faith" when you approach someone in public.
So it's pretty amazing when someone tells you they like you in a totally non-creepy way. Which is probably why this Twitter user, Cody, was so smitten after receiving this adorable note from a stranger.
It reads:
"Hey, if you're not gay, my friend thinks you're cute. Here's her number: ###-###-####
(and if you are gay here's mine: ###-###-####
I don't often get told I'm good-looking by total randos in a way that isn't insulting.
So I'm kind of jealous of that adorable bit of attention Cody received from this random person and their friend.
Admittedly, he did had some reservations about whoever made the gesture. I mean grammar proficiency can be pretty sexy, so I get where he's coming from.
Nevertheless, Cody opted to text the bottom number because yes, he's gay (something not everyone knows about him. This'll be useful information later on in the story. I promise).
Thankfully, he provided Twitter with regular updates by being totally candid about the prospect of finding romance with this stranger who mustered up the courage to pass him a note middle school style.
Plans to see movies were made, but at the outset, it seemed like their tastes were wildly different.
The crushing boy in question wanted to watch a sport documentary about rock climbing, which sounds pretty intense if I'm remembering that opening scene from Mission Impossible 2 correctly, or a film about a border agent who can smell human emotions.
Cody was more interested in blockbuster titles and the two couldn't decide on a film so he decided to call it a night so he would be well-rested for his date. But not before his roommate displayed a profound lack of knowledge about his love life and partner preferences.
He provided everyone with up-to-the-minute info on his date. When they still couldn't decide which movie to watch, they opted to have dinner first instead. I honestly think that's the better move: when you meet someone new you're interested in, don't you want to talk a bit first instead of sit in a dark room in total silence?
Now here's when things get really interesting. Our boy Cody gets nervous. If you've ever felt those butterflies when meeting somebody for the first time, then you know you're hitting something that could potentially be great: it means that it matters to you. Or at the very least, you want it to.
Turns out that the first date was a success. He honestly didn't have to tweet anything else besides this selfie of him and the dude with an obviously amazing choice in shirts. It's not like you're going to snap a photo of someone if the date goes badly, right?
Everyone who followed the thread got to witness the pursuit of love and a confirmation of a second date. I don't know about you, but I get all warm and fuzzy when I see people hitting it off and getting excited about finding a potential partner. I mean, just look at that blushing emoji.

Here's the thing, though. Remember how Cody's roommate didn't know he was gay, and neither did the young woman who gave him her number who also thought he was cute? Yeah, well it turns out his mother didn't know either.
After Cody's tweets went viral, his mother saw them. If she didn't know his orientation before, she knows now. Thankfully, she seems to be taking the news well.
I don't know what's going to happen with Cody and his hot new date, but at the very least, he has a great story about how his mother finally discovered he was gay all because he tweeted a picture of a cute note.