This Girl Posted A Heartbreaking Letter From Her Dad Who Disowned Her For Having An Interracial Relationship

Updated Nov. 19 2020, 9:52 p.m. ET

All right so it's the year 2016. The civil rights movement happened. We have a Black president. But people are still pretty crappy when it comes to the whole racism thing. Cops shoot suspects in the back just because of the color of their skin. Presidential candidates automatically gain followers just because they start accusing racial and ethnic groups for causing problems that they really have nothing to do with, knowing that there will be a few Mexican and Arab hating followers lining up to validate their narrow-minded views.
With all of political agendas behind racism, it's easy to forget that it still affects people and their families on a much more personal level.
Like this teenage girl who's been disowned by her father for having a black boyfriend.
See Also:
Stephanie Hicks posted this heartbreaking letter to Twitter from her father that states he's disowning her because she's dating someone who's black.
It reads:
This isn't easy, but you haven't made it easy.
Over the last several years, you've turned on everything that we tried to instill from childhood. You're nowhere near the daughter I thought you would be at this point, and I'm deeply broken-hearted.
You treat both of us with contempt. You've been using us for money, while disrespecting us in every way. You dress like a street walker, and you sulk when we take you to church. You have no respect for morals, and have abandoned any sense of righteousness.
Yes, we had this discussion - sort of - a while back. At that time, I hoped I would eventually take the high road and come to accept an interracial relationship. The truth is that I'm human, and I make choices of my own. While it may not be anti-biblical, I know I will never accept it, and I'll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable. Vulgar and reprehensible. There's nothing worse than a half-black, and I'm crushed that my own daughter has entered into such a disgusting relationship.
Mistakes can be forgiven, but you have willingly and consciously chosen a lifestyle of sickening choices, and I won't tolerate it. You have one final opportunity. Either end your relationship with 'Nike', or face the consequences. There are 3 suitcases emptied and waiting. If you choose this black kid over your parents, then fill them up and leave my house. Take my information out of your phone, and DO NOT attempt to contact me again, the rest of your life. Change your name as soon as possible, because I won't have any association with you. Ever.
Stephanie and her BF look like they've been social media official for a few weeks. Here's a pic of her and her boo:
After posting the letter, Stephanie's been getting tons of hate from people who support her father's decision, and she's quick to put them on blast.
Although some people are sending her and her BF good vibes:
Granted I knew nothing when I was 19, so whether or not the two "make it" as a couple is irrelevant, like the Tweeter above mentions. It's the whole being super racist thing that's the worst part. Best of luck to Stephanie and her man, and hopefully her dad will realize he's totally on the wrong side of history, especially because, y'know, we've been officially desegregated nationwide for about 60 years.
Wow, that's actually not too long at all. What's up with us as a country?