Man Is So Desperate For A Date He Created Dating App Where He’s The Only Guy

Updated Nov. 2 2018, 1:06 p.m. ET

If you're a guy on Tinder, the odds are pretty stacked against you. Not only are there thousands of far more attractive guys competing against you, but a study recently found that women only swipe right for guys they're actually interested in, whereas guys are far more likely to swipe right for just about anyone.
So if you're on the app looking for a date this Valentine's Day, the odds are stacked against you. Unless you're Shed Simove. He had the genius idea of creating Shinder - a Tinder clone where he's the only guy available for women to date. Brilliant.
The 45-year-old entrepreneur is so desperate for a date that he made his own app. Honestly, most of us can relate. The entrepreneur isn't exactly new to this kind of thing. He's also written a book called What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex which is literally just 200 blank pages and another book called Fifty Shades Of Gray which is a collection of 200 slightly varying shades of gray.
After downloading the app, which has the tagline "quality, not quantity," women can log in through Facebook and are then confronted with Simove's profile. Women who swipe left will be told that there are no more men ready for romance. Women who swipe right will have to wait to see if Simove swipes right on them.
Simove told the Mirror:
“I joined all the usual [ones] - and some unusual ones too… I quickly realised that it's tough to stand out and get noticed with seemingly endless choice.""I’ve anticipated the scarcity of potential matches will create increased demand, and with that more chance of dating successes.""I’m now a big fish in my own pond."
He admitted to being single "for a while," and said that his type is "someone fun, quirky, cerebral and flirty." So far, he's gotten 100 matches.