23 Brutally Honest Homework Answers From Kids Who Have Had Enough

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:22 p.m. ET
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The great thing about kids is that they have absolutely no filter whatsoever. What they say is what they mean. As you age, you quickly develop a sense of what you should keep to yourself, which just makes things boring. Just take a look at how these kids decided to give hilariously straightforward answers on their homework.
1. "I asked students to tell me what they would do if shipwrecked on an island."
"We will enjoy swimming, because it's fun to swim. We will do my homework, because it's fun to do homework. We will wait for deat, because can't do anything."
2. Ouch.
"I'm so hungry I could eat Saturn." - Now that's an exaggeration
"I've got so many clothes on I feel like your mom." -Now that's comedy.
3. Good reasoning.
"Would you rather be stuck on an island all alone or with someone you hate? Why?"
"I would rather be on an island with someone I hate so I have something to eat."
4. At least he's humble.

Assignment: "What makes you special? Write three things that make you special. Remember to use complete sentences."
"I like to play football. I like to play with Legos. I am god."
5. It's all about those curves.
"Find the difference between 8 and 6."
"8 is all curly, 6 is not."
6. What else could they be?
7. It works.
This is the best haiku ever:
"Five syllables here
Seven more syllables there
Are you happy now???"
8. Well, he's right...
9. Same.
10. It's inevitable.
11. Damn.
12. He's probably right.
13. I hope this was anonymous.
14. I hope they got full marks for this.
15. It works in the movies.
16. Gotta start somewhere.
17. Brutal.
18. What else could the answer be?
19. We feel ya, kid!
20. Who doesn't?
21. To be fair, it is a homophone.
22. Sorry, Packers fans.
23. Probably.