Service Dog Who Saved Owner's Life Makes It Into High School Yearbook

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:19 p.m. ET
The school season is ending, and high school kids across the country are starting to get their yearbooks. But as Diana Bloom of Stafford High School in Falmouth, Virginia, pointed out on Twitter, it's not just kids getting their photos taken.
A service dog called Alpha, who belongs to student Andrew Schalk, also made an appearance in her school's yearbook in the cutest way ever.
"Seeing a picture of a dog caught my eye pretty quickly," Bloom told BuzzFeed. "I thought it was so cute, and I knew that some of my underclassmen friends hadn't seen it yet because they didn't have their yearbooks so I took a picture and tweeted it."
Schalk is a 16-year-old junior who has type 1 diabetes, and it's Alpha's job to let him know when his blood sugar is getting too low or high. "The amazing thing about Alpha is that he knows 20 to 40 minutes before my blood sugar actually does go low or high due to his amazing sense of smell," Schalk said. And Alpha has already saved his life several times by waking him in the night when his blood sugar levels had dipped. It's something many of us take for granted but Alpha serves an important role for saving this kid's life on a daily basis. It's awesome to see them get a fitting tribute.
Alpha started going to school with Schalk last year, and has become a favorite with students and teachers -- so much so that he even has his own ID card. So it was pretty obvious to the photographer that Alpha should be included.
And Twitter kind of loved it. He's just the absolute cutest.
You're the best, Alpha. Definitely the goodest of good boys this year at the school.
[h/t BuzzFeed]