Celebrities Are Trying To Bring Fanny Packs Back And Twitter Doesn't Know How To Feel

Updated Nov. 7 2018, 11:09 a.m. ET

Fanny packs have earned a bad reputation, and there a lot of reasons why this is unfair.
For example, athletes find them exceedingly useful.
And UFC commentator, comedian, and martial artist Joe Rogan doesn't understand why fanny packs get such a bad rap.
As functional as they are, and even though fanny pack proponents like Rogan make some really great points about their use, it's still difficult to get people to embrace them.
It's hard to disassociate them from their reputation of embodying everything lame.
I mean, even The Rock couldn't make them look cool.
Despite their notorious uncoolness, it seems like celebrities are doing their hardest to make them popular again.
Like Kendall Jenner.
Some people were waiting for a fanny pack savior to help make them cool again.
Others weren't so sure even the mighty Kendall could convince the world the hip-bags were awesome.
Some of the fashion industry's top luxury brands seem to disagree, however.
And some of the not-so-luxurious brands, as well.
But there are a surprising number of people who are glad to have them back.
They're embracing fanny packs with open arms.
Others are just poking fun at themselves, but are rocking them nonetheless.
Would you wear a fanny pack?