Twitter Can't Get Over This Teen's Summer Bucket List Found In Urban Outfitters

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:16 p.m. ET

One thing you realize as you get older is that you had it pretty great as a kid. Most of us didn't have a care in the world, and summers that seemed to last forever. Just take this bucket list written by one such carefree teenager as an example. On Friday, Twitter user scorpiosars took to social media to share the bucket list that one of her friends found in Urban Outfitters, and it's too pure for this world.
Ah, what it's like to be on the border of childhood and adulthood. I think we can all relate to "fix home screen" and "binge new Netflix series," though. The people of Twitter were pretty intrigued by the list, too.
"Summer reading? Definitely about 15," posited one user. "I already organized the list into 4 categories - Travel/Entertainment, Party, Sex, and Personal. Arguably, might need only 2 categories," wrote another along with a Google Doc he began to organize her wishes.
Actress Mara Wilson even chimed in, writing, "I'm guessing she's 17 because of the significance of 17." Fair enough.
The bucket list includes staging a concert, going to a party, having sex, giving 2 bfs, going to Kennywood, posting 8 “hoe” pics on Instagram, attending a sports game, going on a road trip, camping in the backyard and decorating her room.
She also wants to binge a new Netflix series, get a manicure, a pedicure, get drunk and cross-faded, do her summer reading and go to a picnic. But don’t forget petting a giraffe (please let us know where_, making food from pinterest, get a good hickey, have a super wild birthday and have a giant water balloon fight. Along with several other notable things we can’t quite make out.
We should all aspire to be like the person who wrote this bucket list.