This Woman With A Missing Limb Wrote The Best Tinder Bio Ever

Updated Nov. 9 2018, 9:34 a.m. ET
The internet came across the best Tinder bio possibly ever this week, and, well—see for yourself. It was created by a woman who is missing one arm.
Of course, everyone fell in love with her.
But the real fun happened when Lauren—the creator of the profile—discovered that her Tinder profile had gone viral.
"I got home pretty drunk, and I don't remember typing it up really," she told BuzzFeed in an interview. "I just woke up to someone DM'ing me a Reddit post asking if it was me, and I was like damn, I guess it is."
Lauren lost her arm in a moped accident, she told BuzzFeed, and has used social media to help cope with her disability.
"I was going pretty fast on a moped and lost control of it, and I hit the median in the road. I flew off and hit a sign and it sliced my arm off. I stayed conscious the whole time."
Her life was thankfully saved by a quick thinking police officer who had just received tourniquet training.
"I remember I asked the cop, ‘Hey, am I gonna die?’ and he said, ‘No, you’ll be fine.'"
Poking fun of herself on social media has been a coping mechanism following the injury.
"For a while, I wasn’t okay with the jokes," said Lauren. "But then I started telling the jokes, and it’s kind of helped."
Just look at the stuff she posts.
This is the kind of humor we can get behind.
"For a while, I wasn’t okay with the jokes," said Lauren. "But then I started telling the jokes, and it’s kind of helped."
Sharks are scary.
She even has a dog twin.
She's basically out of everyone's league.
[h/t BuzzFeed]