Instagram Model Claps Back To Critics Who Body-Shamed Her Crop Top Photo

Updated Nov. 8 2018, 2:43 a.m. ET
Plus-Sized Instagram model noonie_regardless recently posted this photo of herself in a crop-top with an inspiring message promoting self-love.
Growing up I use to be the skinniest. I ate so much but never would gain weight. All I would hear was, " she eats like crazy but her food goes no where." As I enter 2nd grade I began to get bigger and when I say big I mean big. I was already wearing a size XL in shirts and 20 in women pants. I use to hate myself for how I looked. I always would get made fun of even though I was the sweetest to any and everyone. I never judged people, I loved and accepted everyone for who they where as a person. I was put on diet pills, had a watch that told how many steps I took to help me keep track of me working out. I then feel in love with volleyball and it helped me a lot with loosing weight. As I got older I began to love myself more and more until I seen on social media how the IG famous girls looked so small and beautiful or thick and beautiful and then there was me. I had no big boobs to show, no big butt to show all I had was thighs and hips. My stomach still was over flowed and I wanted to look like the girls on IG. So I started drinking detox teas like they were and working out like they were and I thought to myself months later. Why are you trying to be someone you're not, why can't you accept who you are and love you. I finally found myself and I love who I have became. Yes I still eat unhealthy foods but I also eat healthy foods. I don't eat out of control as much as I use to. Moral of the story is if you're struggling with loving you're self step back and point out the things you love about yourself and start accepting you as a person. Is it easy? FUCK NO! But I promise you once you love who you are and accept who you are you will feel like the baddest bitch walking and not a negative goblin can stop you πππππππππππ Remember self love is the best love #confidence #plussize#viral #shaderoom #bodypositive#bodyposi #beyourself
There were tons of people who liked and appreciated her message, but the internet being the place it is, there were many who were quick to criticize the model.
Someone screencapped Noonie's post and then turned into a body-shaming meme featuring barf-face and what emojis with the following message:
"Leave the bralette & crop top wearing to us skinny girls."
Rather than settling for just being hurt by the woman's comments, Noonie posted the meme on her Instagram page calling for women to stop saying hurtful things to each other.
No I don't have the flat stomach to flex in a crop top/bralette but I have a muffin top to do so. I don't know why people still body shame at this point. It's quit pointless if you ask me. It's just like making a fake profile to be someone you're not. You don't have to be skinny to rock a crop top or bralette. To my ladies with stomached wear whatever the hell you want and make every feel uncomfortable π€πΎπͺπΎ As women we have to learn to build each other up instead of trying to break each other down. #stopbodyshaming
Pretty much the perfect way to respond to hate, isn't it?