The Best Moment Of 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Is A Cat Meme Now

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:33 p.m. ET
Look, you can keep your zombie dragons. For me, the coolest part of Game of Thrones Season 7 was Lady Olenna's deathbed speech in which she confesses to Jaime that she killed Joffrey, his son.
The matriarch of House Tyrell, played by absolute legend Diana Rigg, was the coolest cucumber in Westeros and my favorite character in the entire series. So, of course, the internet has been paying its respects to the fallen Lady of Highgarden in the only way it knows: cat memes.
It's a very simple meme, and yet it inspires delight in me every time I see it.
Maybe because cats always do look like they will poison your firstborn if you put stuff on their head.
But you might be wondering—does this meme work with dogs, too?
I am happy to report the answer is YES.
Episode 5 of Season 7 of Game of Thrones, "Eastwatch," was packed full of some pretty incredible moments and fans are already chomping at the bit for next week's episode.
However, the most important detail from the show probably flew right past you, despite the fact that it seemingly foreshadows one of the biggest possible conflicts in the series, and blows a huge point in the plot wide open.
This is a massive potential spoiler, so if you're the type of person to get annoyed by that, then it's probably best you don't keep reading.
But of course you can't help yourself, so I want you to sit back and consider last night's scene between Samwell Tarly and Gilly as she pores over the diary of High Septon Maynard. Tarly's a bit preoccupied with his work, as is usually the case, when Gilly asks him a seemingly innocuous question:
"What does annulment mean?"
Sam, too busy to pay serious attention to what Gilly asks, says it means ending one marriage so a person can marry someone else. Then Gilly follows up and says that the annulment was for a "Prince Raggar," and since Jon Snow is the love child of Prince Rhaeger and Lyanna Stark, that means that the Targaryen King very well may have technically ended his marriage, married a woman he was madly in love with (Lyanna) and birthed a son who is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
[h/t BuzzFeed]