This Gamer Dumped His Girlfriend When She Gave Him An Ultimatum

Updated Nov. 13 2018, 4:47 p.m. ET

When I was growing up, I was a pretty avid gamer. I've lost the passion for playing and have focused my interests elsewhere, but that doesn't mean I can't relate to gamers who are looked down upon for their hobby. It's a hobby — one that isn't particularly dangerous or risky — yet people still look down on it, somehow assuming it is so much worse than what kids did back in their day (even as people my age grow up, and are young enough to have played similar games when they were young).
It's true that playing video games has become more "mainstream." There's a reason spots like Barcade are teeming with business, and epic-looking trailers for big budget games are everywhere.
But there are still some people who look down on gamers, like this guy's girlfriend who just couldn't stand the fact that he was going online to game with his "nerd" friends (when, presumably, she felt like she was more deserving of his time or something).
She seems pretty hostile from the get-go: It all starts when she asks what his evening plans are, and when he writes back that he plans on chilling with his friends and gaming a bit, she immediately becomes defensive. When he argues back that it's his free time to use as "freely" as he sees fits, she doesn't seem to agree.
The line in the sand was drawn and sides were chosen.
And then he broke it off...with a video game joke.
I know, I know, it's savage. In fact, there's only one meme that's capable of encapsulating what kind of savagery it entails to break up with someone who hates video games with a very niche video game joke.
The text post also brought up a conversation on Twitter about the validity of online friendships.
Others were just happy he shared the convo.