People Find Extremely NSFW Things In The Backgrounds Of An Old Children's Book

Updated Nov. 13 2018, 12:06 p.m. ET
If you go back and rewatch most of your favorite childhood films and cartoons, there's a good chance you're going to be hit in the face with something that's pretty uh, not wholesome. While you were a kid when you enjoyed these classics, you have to remember that they were made by adults — so it makes sense that they may snuck something in that is a perhaps not age-appropriate for the target audience, whether they were doing it for their own entertainment, or as a little Easter Egg for the parents who will inevitably be forced to watch the whole thing more times than they probably care to.
Some of them can easily go unnoticed, while plenty of them are nothing short of blatant —like this not-so-subtle golden phallus on the box art of Disney's The Little Mermaid.
Sexual imagery, whether accidental or not, can be found in a lot of children's movies and shows, with some being more discreet than others.
But this discovery in a Biff, Chip, and Kipper book meant for four-year-olds is suggestive without showing anything, per se.
Initially, if you look at the three guys chilling behind the bushes at the park, you wouldn't think anything of them.
But this old lady's reaction tells a tale that doesn't really live up to the imagination. That's right, the artist snuck in three dudes doing... something? In the park. What is it? Who knows. All we know for sure that it is definitely something that makes sense for the little kids this book was written for.
Others pointed out that this artist is notorious for sneaking seemingly creepy scenes into kids books.
Like this uncomfortable scene:
Barf. Are there any of your favorite childhood books that contained some seriously messed up imagery?