This Woman Is Being Told To Dump Her BF After Sharing His Instagram Caption
Updated April 1 2019, 11:17 a.m. ET
On Monday, a woman named Isabella Koval tweeted screenshots of her Instagram post of being at a football game with her boyfriend, versus his caption of the same image.
"My post vs my boyfriends," wrote Isabella on Twitter. Take a look for yourself...
One photo was uploaded to her own Instagram along the caption: "Always a blast [with] my bff." By contrast, her boyfriend, Justin, uploaded the same photo with the caption: "sitting here trying to explain football to this uncultured swine."
The tweet went massively viral, much to Koval's surprise. She told BuzzFeed News she's getting all sorts of DMs, mostly from people telling her to dump him.
"My boyfriend rarely posts on any social media and I’m always telling him he should post more," she said. "So Saturday we went to the game, and I know nothing about football, and he was trying to explain the game to me, but I was too into my food.
Too into your food? What is that code for, that you enjoyed stadium food in a stadium? Quelle horreur.
Clearly, I'm one of many who think being called an "uncultured swine" is a dumping offense, but it looks like the women of our great nation are happy to take social media abuse from their boyfriends.
As for the people telling Koval to dump her boyfriend, it doesn't sound like that is going to happen. "People are telling me to dump him," she said. "Everyone that knows us thinks those comments are hilarious."
And her boyfriends response to all of this? "It was really unexpected; when he saw our posts side by side he thought it was hilarious, but really didn't think anything of it until I pointed it out."
Other ladies have started sharing their side by side comparisons, and though most of their boyfriends aren't posting straight up insults about them, some of these captions are pretty rude, in my opinion.
This seems to be a fairly common occurrence: a woman shares a coupled-up pic with a sweet, loving caption, and her boyfriend throws all sentiment out the window and goes for something crass or, in the case of this one, TMI.

The guy in this couple chose a Spongebob reference/meme as the "sweet" caption for this pic snuggled up next to his girlfriend while she calls him her favorite person and #mylove.

I'm going to err on the side of charitable with this guy and say this is him trying to say "we clean up pretty nice, huh?" because the alternative is just too much for me.
This guy, on the other hand, isn't leaving quite as much room for charitable interpretations. In his defense, I don't know a single man of any sexual orientation whose mind doesn't go straight there with any photo of a person eating ice cream.
I'm not sure if this is a compliement or a burn.
I guess if your love can survive your significant other being an idiot on Instagram, it can weather any storm. This is honestly relationship goals.