Paris Hilton Claims She Took The First Selfie, But Twitter Had The Historic Receipts

Updated Oct. 10 2018, 11:06 a.m. ET

Paris Hilton took to Twitter on Sunday to share a selfie she took with Britney Spears 11 years ago to the day. The problem? She also claimed that the pair invented the selfie, as if that was somehow the first time someone has thought to take a picture of themselves.
It's kind of wild to think no one in the history of pictures had taken a picture of themselves. Maybe Paris meant in the literal sense of the modern selfie but for all practical purposes, she's a bit behind some very famous people who have turned the camera inward. We're not going to take away much from Paris because she was at the forefront of a lot of the modern trends, but since he rise to fame in the mid 2000s, she's slowly faded a bit from the limelight. Not to mention she did have claim to the phrase "That's Hot" which was actually a thing people used for about 2 weeks before they realized it wasn't really that cool to say. Other than that, the last time we heard any big buzz around her was her "album" launch for "High off my Love" which debuted to a strongly negative Internet who just wasn't having her vocals.
Still it's hard to imagine she really thinks she invented the selfie, but she certainly seems confident in her tweet.
Thankfully, Twitter is full of selfie historians which quickly, and effectively we might add, debunked the former Simple Life star's claim to fame. In fact -- so many famous people have taken selfies with old cameras, it makes you wonder how a selfie wasn't a thing much earlier than with the dawn of smart phones.
Well, that didn't go quite as planned.