People Share The Best Insults Their Toddlers Have Come Up With And They Are Brutal

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:16 p.m. ET

Children can be absolutely savage. If you have ever heard the phrase "Kids say the darnedest things," you know that it's entirely accurate. They have no filter at all, and will not hesitate to tell you exactly how it is. Sometimes though, they really come up with the strangest insults. Chalk it up to their newness in speaking english, or maybe just their lack of caring, but their responses can be quite puzzling.
Twitter user Angela Davis recently took to social media after her toddler had a tantrum because she couldn't play with the cellphone. The meltdown ended with a brutal insult, and after the tweet went viral, parents quickly started sharing their own stories of toddlers spewing out the funniest stuff.
It all started with the gem mentioned above.
And soon enough, people were sharing their own stories.
Well, those were savage.