T-Pain Clarifies A Lyric In 'Buy U A Drank,' And Our Whole Life Was Apparently A Lie

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:36 p.m. ET

Ten years after the release of 'Buy U A Drank' by T-Pain, people are just learning that they've been living a lie for the last decade. It all started with this viral tweet...
Another user seemed to think the lyrics were a little bit different, though...
So someone decided to ask the man himself.
As it turns out, none of them were right... We all thought something different, and we all thought wrong.
Which left people pretty shocked. Like, literally shook to their core. So shocked they are doubting everything they thought they knew about their lives.
Thankfully, T-Pain clarified that he'll allow any variation of the lyrics — he's just happy the song resonated with so many people. "And 'an then' not 'ooh wee' but really it's whatever you want it to be just enjoy the song however you hear it. I just appreciate you listening," he tweeted. Ugh, seriously, what did we do to deserve T-Pain?! He later clarified another one of his iconic lyrics, and casually shattered everything we thought we knew about life. NBD. He wrote, "I don't wanna throw another wrench in your childhood but also it's 'Everybody's hands go UP... and they stay there... AND THEY SAY YEAH.' Sorry. #AllIDoIsWin. I'm from [Tallahassee] bro. That's just how some of us talk."
Despite casually dropping earth-shattering knowledge, T-Pain was an absolutely gentlemen about the whole thing. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough for some people. In fact, there are plenty of people who still don't seem to be happy about the new information.
So many people just had their childhoods destroyed... Which — if we're being honest — really begs the question of what were we doing listening to a song called "Buy U A Drank" when we were actually children?