This 'Holiday' Pizza Is Covered In Melted Candy Canes And People Are Horrified

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:17 p.m. ET
Hey, are you someone who would actually enjoy scarfing down melted candy canes burned into an otherwise perfectly good cheese pizza? Then boy do we have the holiday dinner treat for you. If you are like most other sane human beings, however... well, we're sorry, but prepare to be super grossed out.

No, this isn't a joke. Someone actually thought that making this monstrosity would be a good idea and then documented it with a photograph.
In case you're wondering if anyone actually baked something like this, I assure you, this is real. Here's a before picture of the pizza waiting for the oven. It looks like the pizza base isn't delivery, it's DiGiorno. Frankly, we're really glad no major pizza chain had anything to do with this monstrosity.

At first, people weren't sure if the person who made this ungodly mess was serious or not.
She even had the audacity to compare this to pineapples on pizza, or rather to insinuate while Hawaiian pizza is "just nasty" this is a perfectly decent thing to do to Italy's finest contribution to the planet since Galileo discovered gravity. Actually, pizza might just bump the gravity thing off the top of the list. But not this pizza. This pizza is an abomination.
People were convinced she was serious, at first.
But it wasn't long before she was exposed as taking the images from another post.
And she admitted to it, because, who the heck in their right mind would make such an awful thing? We're honestly so relieved right now.
Twitter ultimately didn't care who made the nasty pizza, they just wanted it to be destroyed. Immediately.
Keep this pizza and everything it stands for away from me, please.