Chrissy Teigen Roasts List Of Popular Baby Names — And We Have to Agree
Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:13 p.m. ET

Chrissy Teigen is shopping for baby names again, and like many expectant mothers before her, she has unwisely turned to the Internet for answers. Teigen shared a list of unisex baby names that sound like an ingredient list for potpourri. She doesn't seem happy with the options:
Some of these names are cute, but their cumulative effect is bad. Did someone just wander through the woods and point at things they saw? That's one way to choose a human's name, I guess, but you might end up with a family of Stumps and Brushfires. At least this list provided joke material for everyone.
The potheads:
The punheads and How I Met Your Mother fans:
And folks who can't see the forest for the baby names:
But the best responses are from the weirdoes who seem to sincerely think Chrissy Teigen will take their suggestions for the name of her unborn child seriously. Which is obviously naïve, but also sort of sweet and endearing, so much so that we won't mock it any more than we have because isn't that just so nice?! It's nice to see people being sincere and helpful on the Internet, isn't it?!
This is a heavy responsibility; it is for every parent, really. It's crazy to think about the fact that when you pour over baby names, you're making a decision that will affect another human every day for the rest of lives. And it's probably extra stressful if you're Chrissy Teigen, and people think they're entitled to opinions about your life. Not to mention, with a last name like "Legend" (alright, find it's technical "Stephens" but we can assure that, publicly, no one is calling the kid anything but Legend...). Where were we? Right, with a name like "Legend," you really need a strong first name. Destiny?