Post Malone Got Roasted By A Demon On 'Ghost Adventures' And People Loved It

Updated Nov. 7 2018, 10:43 a.m. ET

We all have a guilty pleasure of two when it comes to reality television. Mine is Ghost Adventures which airs on the Travel Channel. Why? Despite there being no scientific evidence for the existence of ghosts, ghosts are definitely 100 percent real (at least if you ask me).
Anyway, rapper and songwriter Post Malone was the guest on this week's show, which centered around a supposedly haunted slaughterhouse. During a segment, one of the hosts is shown asking a spirit what it thinks of Post Malone. The response? The ghost simple replied with “dirty” and “afraid.” And the whole experience was so delightful that one fan called it "the best piece of television I've ever watched in my entire life."
Post Malone definitely just got roasted by a demon — so much so that he said he was "scared s--tless." But that didn't stop him for enjoying himself, in fact, he even said it was a dream come true. How's that for living your dream?
The Internet has some theories about what the ghost meant. And they all seemed to agree: The demon desperately wants Post to take a shower. We all do, really.
Other users found it hilarious — adding that the ghost was "only telling the truth" and that the whole experience was absolutely hilarious.
Some users were quick to jump to Malone's defense. After all, he did end up living like a rockstar without some very, very loyal fans — who will not only defend him against mean-spirited (heh, get it?) ghosts but also the fans who are laughing at his expense.
Imagine getting roasted from the afterlife. Shockingly, there was not nearly as many mentions of "Ghost Malone" as I was hoping for, but it's whatever.