Mom Accuses McDonald's of Giving Daughter Incredibly Inappropriate Interview

Updated Oct. 5 2018, 1:33 p.m. ET

Your first job interview is one of the most terrifying experiences you'll ever have. Even if it's for a part time job as teenager, the nerves will get the better of you.
But Rita Pryce of Manoora, Australia, is alleging that a McDonald’s manager made her 16-year-old daughter's first job interview absolutely terrible by asking a series of inappropriate questions.
Pryce and her family are originally from the Torres Strait, a set of islands between Australia and Papua New Guinea. The ingenious people of these islands are called the Torres Strait Islanders, and are distinct from, but related to Papuans and the Aboriginal groups of Australia, typically giving them a darker skin tone.
Pryce seems to believe that her daughter's heritage was what made her interview so awful. In a Facebook post, Pryce detailed some of the questions the senior staff manager allegedly asked her daughter.
‘Do you think you’re beautiful?’ was one of the many ridiculous questions an award-winning senior staff member of the...
Posted by Rita Pryce on Sunday, January 14, 2018
Pryce alleges that the interview went something like this:
"Him: ‘Thursday Island?? Where’s that?’
Daughter: ‘In the Torres Strait’
Him: ‘I thought an island was a piece of land floating in amongst water?’
Him: ‘What’s 2 + 2?’
Daughter: ‘4?’ (wondering why)
Him: ‘Yep, it’s 4 in our country too!’
Him: (looking at paperwork) ‘16 and still no job??’"
"Him: ‘How would you describe yourself?’
Daughter: ‘Bubbly.....’
Him: (interrupting) ‘Bubbly?? Should I just stop you there and end this interview?’ Bubbly? Someone who is bubbly makes a lot of mistakes. Do you make a lot of mistakes?’
Daughter: (Putting her hand over her face with head back, holding her tears)
Him: ‘Are you gonna cry? You look like you’re gonna cry!’"
Pryce also alleges that the member of staff asked her daughter if she believes she is "beautiful." When her daughter responded with "I guess," the staff member allegedly retorted: "Well that’s what YOU make of it."
"Those inappropriate questions left my daughter feeling sexually harassed and racially vilified," Pryce wrote in the Facebook post. She added that her daughter now cries whenever they pass the restaurant.
After Pryce's post attracted hundreds of messages, McDonald's responded by placing the manager on leave.
"The manager has been placed on leave to allow us to conduct a full and fair investigation,” a McDonald's spokesman told Courier Mail. Adding that Pryce would be contacted for her side.
"The allegations described are unacceptable and when McDonald’s head office was informed of this matter yesterday we started an immediate review,” the spokesperson continued. “McDonald’s takes any matter of this nature incredibly seriously.”
Pryce explained why she decided to speak out in her Facebook post, explaining that despite complaining to other staff members, the interviewer was still employed by the McDonald's.
"I was hoping this would all fade from my mind, but NAH! Those inappropriate questions left my daughter feeling sexually harassed and racially vilified. Not to mention MCDONALDS: on your website under your Vision and Values, you state: ‘We operate our business ethically’."
"It also mentions that ‘McDonald’s is a signatory to the Corporate Leaders for Indigenous Employment Strategy and are working to provide increased and more effective training and employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians.’ What a load of crap! Or should I say, what a load of burgers!!"
Hundreds of commenters offered their support to the girl.
"I would not take that," one user wrote. "Report him to Maccas head office...there is a correct selection criteria process obviously he isn't up to speed. I wouldn't tolerate this, and he needs to be pulled up as he will continue doing this to the next applicant he chooses. It would be worth to call Fairwork Commission for advice and Anti Discrimination etc. Blaten bullying!!"
While another added:
"That is really disgraceful! Definitely take this further. Go to McDonalds head office and the anti discrimination board. He should be sacked and made to publicly apologize. I reckon you could sue the mongrels for that disgusting behavior."
One commenter added...
"My God, I feel so incensed!! Angry!!! I feel like going to that place and giving him a piece of my mind!! Sis, I support you on this. I can understand how this traumatised experience must have shattered your daughters self-esteem. The harm is magnified more, when it is directed towards our children and it has quite devastating consequences. His behavior is unacceptable and inappropriate. Clearly this man has breached ethical policy as well. Nasty piece of work!!"
What do you think of this?