This Kid Created A Fake School Assignment After Her Mom Found Her Weed Stash

Updated Jan. 30 2019, 1:43 p.m. ET

I was raised to be a good boy, so alcohol, drugs, and girlfriends were completely out of the question for me growing up. My parents and close-knit group of quasi-religious college friends managed to keep me away from having fun, and it actually wasn't until a few years after college that I began to do all of the fun things that anger Allah.
Sure, it's suddenly not so cool to smoke pot and drink once you're 26 years old, but I had the added benefit of dealers giving me the good stuff because I was older than their normal college town clientele.
The truth is though, that I was greener to the world of "sin" than the weed I was buying. I mean, just taking a second to look back at all the crap stuff I was buying and how much I was getting bamboozled, it makes me cringe to think about it.

Because I was such a goody-two-shoes, I avoided the whole "having to hide drugs and booze from my parents" phase of my life. The only thing I did hide was a relationship with a woman, and I didn't do a very good job of that.
I don't know how I'd react to my folks ever finding pot in my bag if I was a kid, but I don't think I'd ever be as slick or inventive as this young woman, who was busted for drugs and paraphernalia by her mom.
So what did she do? She thought fast and drafted up an entire fake school assignment that was convincing as heck. And when I say, "convincing as heck" I mean, "convincing as heck", she really went all out for his one.
The assignment was a fake "experiment", a study to see how students' parents would react to finding drugs, pregnancy tests, or an empty beer bottle in their room. Take a look at it below and tell me this isn't some brilliant handiwork.
To be honest, it looks completely legitimate. She even added nice bluff touches like putting a teacher's email address and phone number on it. It was a bold strategy, but definitely a pro move. She even included some question prompts.
Now granted, there were a lot of people on Twitter who feared that she was playing it a little too fast and loose. I mean if her mother decided to make a follow up call or check and see if her daughter was lying, the game would've been up and there's a good chance her folks would never trust her with anything else in the future.

However, if you look closely at the second paper you'll notice that her mother signed it. That's right, her little plot worked like a charm. Some people who responded to the thread are chalking up the need to finesse her own parents as being "Indian problems." But in all honesty, I think that's anyone from a strict, immigrant parent background.
Of course there were more than a few people who just marveled at the audacity of going through so much and crafting such a perfect, original assignment, all to ensure she wasn't busted with some weed.

And I knew, even before scrolling down her feed, that there were going to be some people who wondered why she didn't just tell her mom the truth. I mean, being open and honest with your parents is a healthy way to go about things, isn't it?

But anyone and everyone with a foreign parent completely understood why this flat-out wouldn't work, and I can confirm. Sure, I'm a lot more open about my lifestyle now to my parents, but that's because they see I've got a decent head on my shoulders (for the most part).

Others think that her creativity's being underutilized, and that this kind of ingenuity is perfect for the work force. I say that I have to agree: she found an out-of-the-box solution to a very real problem and it worked.

I'm just hoping that her mother doesn't go on Twitter, and judging from the fact that she deleted her tweet after it blew up, it looks like this young college student isn't taking any chances, either.